It was Christmas last year when I got Super Mario Galaxy, as of today I have 119 stars. So it's basically taken me a year but I am about to beat the game (with mario).
Ostrich is a WEIRD word.TONIGHT WE DINE IN OSTRICHSo christmas is teh next week. I'm looking forward to it more than the last few years, not really sure why considering I have no idea what I'm getting. Hopefully I'll get a cool game or two and a new system for my collection.Speaking of the collection, I'll list the systems I now own.Game BoyGame Boy ColorGame Boy AdvanceGame Boy MicroNintendo DSNESSNESGamecube (needs fixed/replaced)WiiPSPS2 SlimXboxGame GearDreamcast (2, 1 with no sound)Ngage QDColecovisionAtari 65XEIt's grown quite a bit since the last time I listed it ^_^My current goal is to finish my collection of Nintendo portables. Meaning Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Light, Virtual Boy, GBA SP, and DS Lite. I also need to buy some more game gear games and maybe a few good NES ones.I have accomplished nothing major since break started, because I am spending every day half asleep <_< Hopefully that will change tomorrow…GAME PLAGUE!
XD I have all 242 stars and beat it a few months ago :p
and I didn't even have to cheat once :DI havn't touched that game in months
Haven't touched the game either. Got something along the lines of 106 stars (however many there were, but I know I was close to getting them all).
However, I'm fairly confident that there are NOT 242 stars. <_<Also, the Bowser battle music is awesome. The fights may be short and simple, but the music makes up for it.DSi's coming out in a few months.
Don't even joke about that piece of trash.
You must have quite some cash.
Nah it's taken me years to get all of these and I've gotten good deals on almost all of them.
There are 242 stars, if you count the ones you get replaying as Luigi.And DSi isn't on my list since it's so new. I'll probably get one within a year of its release in America.You get to replay as Luigi? WHAT?
Also DSi is an MP3 player. It loses its GBA slot, therefore loses a lot of potential as well as its older games which were compatible.The next DS is surely not gonna have a GBA slot so I see the DSi as just preparing us for the future. The same way the micro was incompatable with gb games.
And lets face it, if you want to play gba games you already have something that can play them.The DSi's main advantage is DSWare which could make it well worth the cost if done right.We already spend money on WiiWare, why spend more on a handheld's version? Because it's touchscreen? I don't think DSWare is going to convince me yet.
And the reason I like the GBA slot is because it's a dual slot. You can take information from GBA games to use on DS games.I know the DSi is supposed to be more for other software than games, but it seems to be taking a slight turn for the worse, in my opinion. Maybe it'll be better though, we'll see.