A KaBlog

Posted by KaBob799 on March 24, 2009, 1:53 a.m.

Oh man, when 64d first went down I planned on writing blogs on Game Plague and then compiling them all into 1 mega blog when 64d finally came back. But I only made 2 blogs before getting bored of waiting so theres just way to much for me to remember. I'll do it later.

I bought like 8 games and a PS one and a Sega Genesis, plus I decided to no longer support 800x600 on my websites. gameplague.com is doing ok, still doesn't have an active community but it's getting plenty of hits from non-bot guests.

I also bought wikithrough.net so that I could eventually put up Game Plague's sister site, a wiki for walkthroughs and game information.



RC 15 years, 11 months ago

Aw, no cheese? =[

KaBob799 15 years, 11 months ago

Oh yeah, gameplague.com also has a new file manager with folders.

PY 15 years, 11 months ago

wikithrough sounds like it could be cool.

Josea 15 years, 11 months ago

A Sega Genesis? Cool, I have an old one in the garage, but it doessn't seem to work anymore (or I'm too dumb to plug it right, I can't believe RCA connectors didn't exist back then)