Good news! My blog hits are rising at record speeds! What could be causing this???
As for website design, I've been working on OrbScape and I decided to make a website rpg similar to the one 64d used to have (this is aside from eventually recreating the 64d rpg). It will be inspired by Wind Waker so expect a lot of islands.I also mostly fixed the game pages, game submission, and fixed it so that the accept game button works so it's a lot easier to mess with the queue now. Theres also 2 new bbcode tags that I made, one for hd/widescreen youtube videos and one for google videos. I'll add them into the FAQ sometime.Examples:Video link: [[blk]youtubehd]Eoa4wtSKWfIVideo Link: [[blk]gvideo]-5788214556719185207[/gvideo]
Didn't we have Youtube tags that worked just fine?
Yeah, but they only show videos in the scrunched up size, this makes the widescreen youtube videos show up better.
Also, lawl @ javascript hits counter.Awesome new tags.
I just made the View Fans page order by when the person added you as a friend, oldest at the top.