Well its been forever+1 since I blogged, so heres a blog.
As far as 64d goes, I spent a lot of time transferring files between the hosts due to various members missing their files. Also, just as a quick note, game submission is currently broken. They are appearing in the database, but theres no files or folder.Anyway, as far as my websites go I have made some progress on my forum system and a good amount of progress on orbscape.com I spent most of my summer focusing on OrbScape, because my forums wont be very useful until I get a dedicated host. Once I do that, I'll be able to host other peoples sites. Speaking of my host, only 34 days till my first 2 year subscription ends =[As far as games go, I recently bought the Half-Life 1 anthology on Steam when it was on sale, I'm liking the game so far but its age is certainly showing compared to HL2. Speaking of HL2, they apparently are making a sign language engine for episode 3 just because alex and dog can now talk to each other with it o.o I'm also hoping to get Scribblenauts next month =DIn edumacationland I ended up getting A's in both of my summer classes (woot). Today was also my second day of fall classes, which I was lucky enough to fit my schedule into just tuesday and thursday (4 day weekends ftw). I have 4 classes and a once a week lab, and luckily all my teachers seem to be pretty good at teaching unlike the spring.Well thats it for now.
omg scribblenauts
Scribblenauts sounds pretty amazing. I've considered actually buying a console just so I can play it.
Also, I was wondering why no-one had submitted any new games in forever. =/Scribblenauts FTW! It looks like a very cool game, I might buy it.
i'm getting scribblenauts
i think we are all getting scribblenauts.