A New Theme In Town

Posted by KaBob799 on Oct. 6, 2009, 3:10 a.m.

This blog is only about my websites:

Back when I first started all my major web design projects, I wasn't so good at the actual design part. I already had enough knowledge of PHP and programming in general to develop blogs and forums, but I had little experience in making them look decent. The only themes I could do were very dark, focusing mostly on black/gray. The only color on my forum system was the logo and the light blue links. Game Plague was even sporting a black/red theme.

Eventually I got better, which led to the current Game Plague theme of light green. But now I've finally started redesigning some of my other sites, starting with the Pokemon Twilight site which kept the dark theme but looks much better now anyway. Now I've set my sights on the main Pyco website.

Original Pyco Logo:

New Pyco Logo Concept:

I already decided to keep the new text design and put it on the current website. But I'm really liking the Game Plague green look so I think I will be redesigning the entire website to match.

Anyway, what do you guys think of the concept logo? Better than the original logo? Better than the current site?


ATOGAMES 15 years, 5 months ago

It fits with the currently popular style. Hell nothing grabs people like blur effects (or is it feather? I can't tell the two apart.)

very cool though,I'll give you 8/10.

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 5 months ago

The sign between Pyco and Productions seems a little off… like pixely or blocky. I can't describe it.

The logo looks amazing it's just that that little detail is just keeping me from saying "perfect."

Kaz 15 years, 5 months ago

It's great. I has everything that makes a logo good =)

(We just learned the rules to making a good logo in class yesterday XD)

Iluvfuz 15 years, 5 months ago

Looks pretty generic if that's what you're going for…stroke, bevel and outer glow. Personally, I think it would look better kind of like this:

without stroke, and a gradient using overlay or some other blend mode crap. You might want to go with a different font too, that's not so similar to every other font out there.

Ferret 15 years, 5 months ago

I like it.

Scott_AW 15 years, 5 months ago

Not bad. It has a good look going.

sidewaus 15 years, 5 months ago

I reckon it looks really neat when you see it on the actual site, more so than above anyway. It's great.