Hey guys, I'm out of school for christmas now but still busy with stuff <_<
I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Jan 4th =/ I have 3 of them, 2 on top and 1 on bottom and both of the top ones have started coming in, its just the bottom one that is being stupid. Either way I'm hoping I'm better off than somebody who has all 4 =p This will also be my first time having surgey =/Lately I've been playing RuneScape in German to help me learn some German and to help translate the OrbScape site partially into German. If anybody here speaks german I could really use some help with translating a couple sentences.As far as game design goes, I'm going to be continuing work on OpenPokemon V2 and maybe remake my old Pokemon Surou game in it. David C, who is an awesome spriter, has been respriting some of my ancient pokemon sprites. I'll show you guys the first 2 he did.

I dont speak German only a few classes, so i wont be much help sorry.
sprites look cool. i always wanted a pokemon gb version that actually became progressively better than the original <_< nintendo wouldnt do that though… they like the money.so good luck with it because id love to play a pokemon game NOT made from nintendo.If you need any help for your OpenPokemon project I can always help. I stopped programming my game cause I have no clue on how the storyline would go. I might help you finish your game faster and pwn Nintendo for once
The male one looks kind of like the female one.
It's surprising that people can make fangames better than first-party games. I once saw this Zelda game that used the Minish Cap sprites, but it actually looked professional, from the world design down to the dialog.
As for Pokemon games, I've also noticed that it's a franchise people are able to remake well. Best of luck to you.