No Pain No Gain

Posted by KaBob799 on Jan. 10, 2010, 1:42 a.m.

As I said in my last blog, I got my wisdom teeth out on monday morning. Thing is, my mouth hasn't hurt at all. I mean, there was some bleeding and other stuff but no actual pain. I never took any medicine or anything. Yesterday I started eating normally, soda and pizza and stuff, and still no problems. I was expecting at least some pain o.o

And now that I am past the point that dry socket should show up, it looks like I got extremely lucky =]

Something I forgot to mention in my last blog is that I've bought a bunch of games in the past 2 weeks.

Wario Land: Shake It! ($20 new)

Kameo: Elements of Power ($6)

Perfect Dark Zero ($5)

Project Gotham Racing 3 (Free!)

Mass Effect (360, $10)

Red Steel ($5)

and I just made a list of 49 gamecube games (most of which cost $3-10 at gamestop) which I will be buying throughout the year. This year is gonna be great for my game collection =p

So other than that, I'm putting a lot of my website design focus into making money this year. Cause I don't really want to get a job anytime soon so it would be great to make money anyway. This mostly means a focus on improving the game fortress forums and orbscape, because my other ideas would take a lot more work to become popular. So far I've made something like $50, but I've spent more than that on hosting over the years =/

Speaking of the game fortress forums, game fortress got his appendix out but now hes recovering and Pokemon Twilight V5 is almost ready for release =D

That is all.


Mordi 15 years, 1 month ago

Perfect Dark is pretty cool. The multiplayer community has died down considerably since 2005, though.

Cesar 15 years, 1 month ago

Perfect Dark: Source is pretty badass, though the community is basically dead :(