A new KaBlog for you to read.

Posted by KaBob799 on Jan. 27, 2010, 4:13 p.m.

I guess it's been a while since my last blog, so here I am typing one.

I'm going to a different college this semester, it's a community college and I'm just finishing up some of my basic core classes. It's a lot closer and cheaper so it's pretty nice, I don't miss the 30 minute drives, though I will be back to doing that after this semester cause I only had like 6 core classes left and I'm taking 4 right now. As usual, my classes are tuesday/thursday so I have 4 day weekends, but this time no morning classes so I get to sleep in until 11 =D

Anyway now that schools started again I'm making good progress on my websites, I always get a lot of planning done during lecture classes. I've already listed out all my planned features for PycoBlogs and figured out an improvement to my bbcode function. Not bad considering this is only the second week.

Outside of planning, I finally found a German translator for OrbScape, I dunno how much he will translate for me (he hasn't answered my latest PM) but he already translated more than I could have done on my own.

Right now it's looking like most of my progress over the next few months will be in OrbScape and PycoBlogs attempt 3.

Oh yeah, to reply to my last blog: I ended up spending my paypal money on F-Zero for the snes (with box and manual) and putting most of the rest in the bank. I also bought Metroid Prime Trilogy like I said I would.


mesenberg 15 years, 1 month ago

u know… I'm living in germany currently learning the language, I can't speak it perfectly but I'm sure ill know it pretty well by the time I head back to the states.. ^_^

DRX Gaming 15 years, 1 month ago

Good luck on finishing up your basic core classes. Just bought Metriod Prime Trilogy as well, after I found out Nintendo had discontinued it.