PycoPlans For Summer

Posted by KaBob799 on May 21, 2010, 1:54 a.m.

I've suddenly got big plans for my websites this summer. I'm going to restart PycoBlogs from scratch (3rd time I think) and try to completely finish it before the end of the summer. Before I can start on that though I have 2 updates to make to the underlying pyco system.

First up is changing the password system to save in binary data (just finished) and then make it so I can upgrade the password generation without destroying the previous passwords, which means using their length to figure out if its sha1/md5/whatever. After that I need to make an email confirmation system that also handles password changing.

Once I finish those two things I'll be able to begin creating PycoBlogs, which will hopefully be pretty easy because I already know all the features I need to add. My main pyco functions can easily be included in the blogs so the hardest part will probably be setting up all the html and css to be as customizeable as possible.


Ferret 14 years, 9 months ago

Web design sounds fun. I should look into it.

KaBob799 14 years, 9 months ago

I'm actually amazed at how quickly this blog got a comment lol.