[New Rule]

Posted by KaBob799 on July 12, 2010, 12:23 a.m.

Due to abuse of the activity feed I think it is necessary for a new rule:

Repeated bumping of blogs/games/news/etc which have not been commented on for over a week will result in a +1 warn unless there is sufficient reason for your comment.

Possible acceptable reasons:

A game has been updated

Posting a good amount of feedback on a game/example/etc

An update to an old conversation which is still relevant today

Unacceptable reasons:


I remembered this and decided to bump it

*stupid joke*


There will be an option added sometime soon which will allow you to comment on older stuff without bumping it on the activity feed.


Castypher 14 years, 7 months ago

Sounds a lot like e-mail topic subscription notifications that a lot of forums have. And honestly I hate those because you actually have to do work to cancel it, when all you really did was help some dude out and you don't really care what else happens.

I think that would also kill activity, because people wouldn't be watching every topic like they do now.

Also, I'd like to see a feature that shows how many views an individual blog got, just to see if people really care about what you have to say, or if your title just sucks at drawing attention.

Quietus 14 years, 7 months ago

you know some of us actually welcome getting comments on old blogs, you're kind of just killing it this way.

i like Scott_AW's idea.

KaBob799 14 years, 7 months ago

I think I could easily add an option to view user pages by last comment, that should be about the same as a personal activity feed without having to add more complex db stuff.

This rule doesn't mean that you wont get comments on old blogs, it means that nonsense comments can't be used to bump stuff up on the activity feed. I purposefully made the rule vague and the punishment minor because it deals with a vague problem, I don't want to limit legit comments.

The "dont show this comment in feed" option will check how long ago the last comment was and then add a checkbox on old stuff to let you decide whether or not it goes in the feed. So it will still be completely possible to comment whatever you want on old blogs.

Scott_AW 14 years, 7 months ago

Sounds good.

Misconstruct 14 years, 7 months ago

Hey anyone remember when the mods here weren't Nazis?

I'll comment on whatever I want, new or old. Isn't the whole point of the activity feed to allow older content to regain the spotlight?

Plus, the rule is too vague… mods aren't going to be able to fairly judge which posts are "legit" and which aren't.

I think the best option would be to just let it be, unless it gets seriously ridiculous.

KaBob799 14 years, 7 months ago

If you fill the entire front page of the feed with random old crap its not legit. If you post a one word response to a year old blog thats not legit. Remember when Nazi meant strict? This rule is anything but strict. See it as a suggestion if you want, but if you annoy a mod enough then you might get +1 warn (OH NO!!!!!!!)

I mean, you would probably would have gotten warned by other mods even before I wrote this rule but at least now you know it exists.

Juju 14 years, 7 months ago

Remember when Nazi meant National Socialist? Those Nazis did some pretty cool stuff, you know:

1) Sustained a mixed market economy - something that most of Europe relies on nowadays

2) Reduced unemployment from 30% to about 7% in five years - the fastest of any country during the Great Depression

3) Constructed an extensive communications network including the first motorways

4) Increased awareness of dietary needs, fitness, the dangers of alcohol and smoking and better availability of leisure facilities

5) Created the concept of low-budget personal transport

6) Encouraged environmental controls and forest management - they also put into place extensive animal rights legislature

7) Pioneered colour film (Agfacolor), rocketry, jet propulsion, nuclear physics and industrial chemistry.

They weren't just ball-bustin', Jew-murderin' bastards. All went downhill after 1938 though.

KaBob799 14 years, 7 months ago


Misconstruct 14 years, 7 months ago


(this isnt a bump btw, this blog was already at the top at the time I wrote this)

Toast 14 years, 7 months ago

The specifics of rules aren't important for gawds sake, theres only a handful of active members. As long as you don't irritate or act a complete dumbshit, for example like the gentleman approximately 1 post above me (posting NSFW or otherwise weird stuff = not cool), I don't think it matters.