GameGame Progress Blog 2

Posted by KaBob799 on July 31, 2010, 4:20 a.m.

Normally when I blog about a project I promptly forget about it and start working on one I had previously forgotten about. This time, however, I kept working hard.

The result is that I now have actual support for >2 players in multiplayer. The limit is currently set at 12, but I have only actually tested with 2 other people so it's not a final number.

I've made great strides in the multiplayer lobby as well. It's starting to resemble an actual usable lobby instead of the "click and enter the room number with get_integer" type thing like I had last blog. I hope to have the lobby layout done soon, it doesn't need to look too nice yet but I want all the stuff in and in the right place.

I also made some improvements on the actual levels today.

I took the collision code from Chi-Zu and added it onto the physics code already running in GameGame so that I could have walls that aren't bouncy (currently shown as reddish/pinkish). It was a bit of work to get the collisions to all work together, but now it seems to be running perfectly.

That's a pic of the 6th level I've designed, the first to use the non-bouncy walls. Eventually I will be building levels without bouncy walls at all, but for now they are the main feature =p it is technically possible to make it through that tiny gap next to the hole, but its very very hard to slow down without falling in. If your crazy you can try it, but one small mistake and you're doomed =p

As I'm making progress on the multiplayer portion of the game I'm getting a better idea of what I'm going to have in the single player game. It should be fun to design once I'm done with all this multiplayer stuff =p

Also, I'm thinking GameGame will have it's own website with a custom level database of sorts. You will be able to download levels from the site into a custom level folder, but the game will also be able to download levels into a temporary folder if your playing against somebody who doesn't have that level. Thanks to the basic nature of these maps, I could actually show a map preview on the site by parsing the map info =D

As is typical with my games, my biggest worry is that GameGame wont really be that fun to play =p


KaBob799 14 years, 7 months ago

Today I hope to get the lobby really fixed up, we'll see what happens =p

Cesque 14 years, 7 months ago

I felt like commenting so that this blog would not feel lonely, but I don't really have much to say. :)