Shortly after my last blog I got sick with some sort of mutant cold/flu that completely stole my motivation to work on my game projects. All I've got left now is a cough, but I still don't really feel like working on them <_<
Instead, I've been working on my websites and made some minor progress. I rewrote half of the registration code so that the layout for the registration page is customizable and I added a stupid password filter that blocks people from using 15 or so overused passwords or their username. All that's left now is adding email verification. I also came up with some great ideas for Game Plague V4, but I'm still months away from even starting on that.Gaming News:Lots of 3DS news came out this week. Theres going to be a new kirby game, its going to come with a 2gb sd card, its going to have a game boy (and color) virtual console, you will be able to transfer DSiWare games to it and it will probably be $250 in the USA and come out in March. There was some other stuff announced, but thats just what I remember off the top of my head.The price seems high when you first look at it, but the DSi was $170 and it didn't have half the stuff the 3DS has. 3D tech is newish too, so chances are the screen is fairly expensive. Still, I expect the price will drop fairly significantly after a few years once the screen is cheap to make and its not sold out at every store.Also: I'm still hoping to pre-order Super Scribblenauts and Sonic Colors, but thanks to website hosting costs I don't know if I've got enough money <_<
3DS sounds nice, and it's an acceptable price for something like that. I hope that they keep the threshold at $35 per game though, even though it'll probably rise to $50.
So it isn't backwards compatible with the GBA anymore? I know they got rid of that with DSi, but I'd hoped I could still substitute it for a GBA.Also, WPA2 access is worth it.I'm guessing $35-40 for games, with $40 being the more common price.
But yeah, theres no GBA compatibility in the 3DS either. The DSi was basically a stepping stone between the DS and 3DS, getting people/developers to stop using the GBA slot and start using DSiWare and cameras.They've only announced GB/C virtual console for the 3DS, but I'm hoping that GBA and maybe some consoles are included too.Eh. Very few games took advantage of the dual-slot feature anyway (except for Pokemon. Now we can't transfer our Pokemans). I still use my DS to play the good ol' GBA games.
Since I never had a DSi, I don't know what the hell DSiWare is. If it costs like Wii's, screw that.*googles*I believe the DSiWare stuff is mostly $0, $2, or $5. I don't have a DSi either =/ But I'm hoping to get one sometime, I'm still trying to collect all the different game systems =p
I don't think they said a price for the 3DS in the US yet, but if you convert the current price for it in Japan to dollars it come out to $298.
The release price for the 3DS in Japan is the exact same price they released the Wii for. That combined with the fact that Nintendo hasn't gone higher than $250 in a long time makes me think $250 is most likely.