Yet another fire nearby

Posted by KaBob799 on Oct. 15, 2010, 9:42 p.m.

So I hear these weird popping noises, kind of like somebody setting of fireworks or hitting something loudly. Turns out a house, about 3 houses away from mine across the street, caught on fire.

When I first noticed it the garage basically had a 2 story wall of fire shooting out of it. About 75 minutes later they finally put out most of the fire. It's night, so I can't really see how much damage was done, but the car in their driveway is ruined and their garage is ruined and their entire house seemed to be on fire for probably 30 minutes until they really started putting it out. There seems to be a huge hole in the roof too. I guess tomorrow I'll see just how bad it looks.

This is 'yet another' fire because one of my early blogs back in 2006 was also about a fire, though that time it was a huge stack of boxes behind wal-mart.

Classes and programming:

Anyway, it's been midterm time with my classes so I've been pretty busy lately and haven't made any progress on my games. I have made a bit of website progress, a bunch of bug fixes and I added a custom emote feature for pyco that I thought of last year. I've also been finishing up my work on PTV5 which is finally getting really close to completion. I'm going to try to get some more major work done before the end of this month though because:


I'm planning to enter again this year, so I probably wont get much programming done in November. This year I'm going to write a story that I don't really care about the quality of (in terms of sentence quality, not storyline quality), which should make the writing go a lot quicker. Last year I spent too much time worrying about making each paragraph sound really good. This is also good because I will probably be sharing the story with other people, while last year I kept it to myself because I actually cared about it =p


Guess this is worth a mention, I've been playing games a bit more often lately (aka actually playing games). Earned all the half life 2 achivements on 360, except for 2 in episode 2 which i'm going to do later on. Then I bought 3 dlc levels for Beautiful Katamari with the free points I got from bing rewards and they are actually very good levels =o

Tomorrow I'm probably going to buy Kirby: Amazing Mirror and 2 other used games because gamestop is doing a sale. Plus Super Scribblenauts came out this week and it is completely amazing. Also, Kirby: Epic Yarn is coming out next week and it's already recieving excellent reviews =D


Misconstruct 14 years, 4 months ago

Huh. That sucks for whoever lives there.

Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

Katamari Damacy rules.

KaBob799 14 years, 4 months ago

Yeah it's pretty much the only PS2 game I still care about lol. I'm sad that the series has basically stalled out, they never even got around to releasing the Wii version of Beautiful Katamari.

Now that I think about, Katamari on the 3DS would be awesome.

Ferret 14 years, 4 months ago

Indeed that would be awesome. (Stylus ball-rolling ftw)

Also, soundtrack for PS3 Katamari Forever = Amazing.

Scott_AW 14 years, 4 months ago

Isn't the Kirby: Epic Yarn picture epic?