Beacon [281]

Posted by KaBob799 on Nov. 4, 2010, 12:48 a.m.

After a couple days of planning and lazyness I finally started writing my Nanowrimo novel. I've reached 281 words, which I figure is a good stopping point for my first day =p I haven't even made it out of the introduction lol.

My plan is too take 10 or so days this month and do 4000+ words on each of those days. It shouldn't be too hard since I write fast and don't need to worry about quality. That combined with doing a few hundred here and there should get me to 50000 easily.

But enough blabber, heres what I have so far:


The sun flickered in the sky, it had been like this for weeks. At first, it had been jokingly called an eclipse, though nobody really knew what an eclipse was. What they did know, was that for the sun was finally burning out.

They probably should have seen it coming, the sun had been running for an untold number of centuries and nobody had bothered to maintain it. They weren’t even sure what it was anymore, or who had put it there.

Now the village elders from all over Roetor were scrambling to find the instruction manual for the sun, but none of the libraries had any record of a manual and very little information of the sun itself.

Perhaps a bit of an explanation is in order, Roetor’s sun is actually a giant heat lamp of sorts, designed to heat Roetor while providing a realistic nighttime. It is much much closer to Roetor than a real sun would be and it rotates around Roetor like a moon.

Roetor itself is a planet, although the general consensus is that it was artificially created. It boasts nearly four million square miles of land and water. If you drilled from one side to the other, you would have dug a hole 1130 miles deep. For comparison, this would be just a little over half the size of Earth’s moon and only slightly more surface area than the United States of America.

The libraries also didn’t have any info on why Roetor’s gravity was so powerful, but nothing was wrong with the gravity so nobody cared. That was how most things went on Roetor, if it didn’t bother anyone then it wasn’t worth researching.


I know it's not great, but that's not the point of nanowrimo =p Also, Roetor isn't the final name for the planet, I just got bored of trying to find a good one that wasn't overused.


Pokemon Twilight has been updated for the first time in years, so you should check it out.


Cesque 14 years, 3 months ago

Write something without a reward in terms of money and fame? Bah, humbug!

(I'd join, but… busy… and too late… and stuff…)

It boasts nearly four million square miles of land and water. If you drilled from one side to the other, you would have dug a hole 1130 miles deep.

I checked out of curiosity… if the radius of a sphere is 1130 miles, the surface would be over 16 BILLION square miles… so yeah.

KaBob799 14 years, 3 months ago


I was purposefully vague with the numbers (I should probably change that 1130 to 'over 1100'), but I didn't make that big of a mistake =p

colseed 14 years, 3 months ago


Cesque 14 years, 3 months ago

*cough*diameter*cough* I was purposefully vague with the numbers (I should probably change that 1130 to 'over 1100'), but I didn't make that big of a mistake =p

My mistake (I blame that on being tired and being taught geometrical terms in a different language, you know ;)). I also messed up billions and millions.

In either case, it ends up at 64 million square miles, which is still 60 million square miles off.

KaBob799 14 years, 3 months ago

565 is the radius, not 2260.


Cesque 14 years, 3 months ago

Indeed… Why the fuck did I do it the other way around?

KaBob799 14 years, 3 months ago

My blog contains mind altering code.

Cesque 14 years, 3 months ago

I guess… anyway… gotta eat some… cheese…