A break from finals

Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 9, 2010, 10:32 p.m.

So right now I'm working on my final writing assignment for "Writing for Mass Media." It's due at 11:55 tonight (it's 10 something right now)

I got myself stuck writing 3 news stories about Game Fortress for the project lol. I still haven't figured out why the class is required for my major <_< After this assignment, all I have left for my classes is the final tests for all 4 classes =o

Anyways, I haven't blogged in a while because I've been ridiculously busy with classwork. I also ended up buying Minecraft some time since my last blog, so that hasn't helped anything =p

Today I figured out my next semester of classes, it is almost identical to this semester in terms of scheduling. I have class from 11am-4:50pm Tu/Th and one online class =o

Randomly, it turns out I'm going to minor in linguistics. The classes I need to take for my final are all full or at bad times, so I decided to just add a minor and work on it instead =p Linguistics was the best choice in terms of not needing any pre-reqs and being available at the right times. Plus it sounds a lot more useful to web design than most of the minors =p

Not school:

I haven't forgotten about GameGame, I'm probably going to start preparing it for an alpha demo release once I finish with my final tests =D

Same goes for all my other projects =p


Ferret 14 years, 2 months ago

I'm surprised you didn't talk more about minecraft, seems like you've been on it 24/7 :P

KaBob799 14 years, 2 months ago

I said I wasn't going to blog about minecraft, so I'm keeping that "promise" =p

RC 14 years, 2 months ago

Yay! GameGame!

Visor 14 years, 2 months ago

hey bob I'm still making the midi for gamegame right?

update me on the rpg when u can :D