My first blog this year

Posted by KaBob799 on Jan. 9, 2011, 5:37 p.m.

Technically my last blog was the first according to the server, but not in my time zone. Anyway, for some reason v3 has made me not want to write blogs anymore o.o But I'm making myself write one anyway. I think it might be because the new activity feed doesn't appear if your logged out, plus its a bit more out of the way and doesn't do the bolding. And it's blue. For me, the feed was what kept me motivated to comment and blog =p I should probably work on it, but I'm so busy with on my stuff I can't really justify spending a ton of time working on 64d. I really need to get my websites developed so I can afford my hosting.

I've started working on PycoForums again, though I never truly stopped. David from the GFF redid almost all of my forum icons and emoticons so it's looking pretty nice =] Now I'm working on an award winning (not really) rewrite of the permissions system (can you create a topic, view hidden topics, etc) which will be a lot easier to manage. I might try to finish the v1.0 release of PycoForums this year, I've got it labeled as v0.5 right now but there's really not that much that truly needs done. I haven't done any work on Game Plague since the last blog, but I have been thinking about parts of the development. Some of the work I'm doing on PycoForums will affect how GP is programmed, so waiting is probably the best choice.

For GameGame, I've added a 3rd control mode that is just mouse mode but instead of constantly moving you have to hold your mouse button down. I don't expect to make too much progress until classes start again, because sitting around on campus always makes me want to program. I'm going to try to keep a changelog from here on out, it should be interesting when I start on single player.

Lately I've been playing minecraft, fable 2 and starship defense (dsiware). I'm just borrowing fable 2 from a friend, so I'm trying to earn as many achievements as possible before I give it back.

My internet randomly decided to let me run a minecraft server now, so I got my moms laptop running a non-dedicated unnofficial Game Fortress server. It gets laggy with more than a couple people though, probably due to the server being limited to 1 of 8 cores, the laptop itself is really fast. I'm also a bit tempted to start one of those minecraft video series, but I'm going to wait for at least a few more updates before I truly consider it, that way there would be more to do and show right from the beginning. I'll probably never actually do it though XD

Already, 2011 seems like a really good year for video games. It looks like both Minecraft and RuneScape will be getting a ton of great updates, not to mention the 3DS coming out and probably Zelda: Skyward Sword, Portal 2, etc. Also, I'm going to pre-order Pokemon Black sometime soon =D

One late christmas present I recieved is Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, a rather interesting looking gamecube game. I haven't played it yet though, might wait until I can write a game plague review for it. I'm going to make myself beat every game I review from start to finish, even games I've played/beaten before.


KaBob799 14 years, 1 month ago

Ha, I have officially helped with v3 now. I made it so it says 0 Comments instead of 0 Comment =p

JID 14 years, 1 month ago

I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment I am a Comment.

There ya go. A comment specially made for you.

Scott_AW 14 years, 1 month ago

It should say 'No comment. :('

The sad face would be part of it.

Blog owner comments shouldn't count if there are no unique ones.

JuurianChi 14 years, 1 month ago


that actually makes sense.

firestormx 14 years, 1 month ago

Thanks for fixing that kabob!

…Didn't read the blog though. =P