[MC] CheeseMod Features

Posted by KaBob799 on Jan. 29, 2011, 12:27 a.m.

So as anybody who plays on the 64digits minecraft server should know, we did a major change-up in the structure of the server today. With that change-up, we got rid of the old hey0 mod we had been using that handled things like /home, /warp and /item.

So instead, we have a mod made by me: CheeseMod. I'll be using this blog to keep track of the various features I add, some of which might not be enabled on 64digits. I guess this means I'll be sharing the mod someday.

It's not much now, I just started learning how to mod yesterday and most of this is based off of an open source warp mod I found combined with hours of searching through mod information.

Commands so far:

/warp [warpname]

/setwarp [warpname] -requires permission-


/deletewarp [warpname] -requires permission-




/dist [playername]

/heal - heals you to full health and refills your air (though air will show as empty)

/tp [player]




/time [check|day|night|midnight|0-24000] -needs permission-


Feature description:

Generally, cheesemod works like hmod. The main difference being that you can't warp to the survival area of the server and you can't use /kit or /heal there.


This will take you back and forth from our current server to the original arcton server. Keep in mind that you cant take items from arcton back to the current server, so dont bring anything important with you from the current server.


CheeseMod extends the original homes idea by letting you set your home to public. By default, your home will be private. To toggle this setting, type /sethome [1/0]. To warp to a public house, type /home [playername].

Warps Not case sensitive

Creative (original spawn)


CheeseTown2 (suburbs, dangerous)




RUNESVC (spelling?)



This just tells you the distance between you and another player

Kits Basically a more limited /item for the creative side. You can type the item name or the id number for what is available, the number next to the name on this list is the amount you get. If you type /kit in game, you will get a basic version of this list.

log (16)

sand (32)

dirt (32)

snow (12 snowballs)

cobble (32)

gravel (24)

netherrack (8)

slowsand (3)

glowstone (5 glowstone dust)

ice (2)

clay (3 clayballs)

wool (12)

redstone (4)

iron (2)


I have started learning how to do minecart stuff. So far:

If you power a minecart track piece with redstone, it will work as a booster. This also applies to placing gold ore/blocks below the track, I suggest this method over the redstone because I might have to remove the redstone later. The boost is quite large, so no need to overuse it. Boosts dont work unless the cart is already moving.

Placing a soulsand block under the track will reduce a minecarts speed, it may take 2 or 3 blocks to fully stop a cart.

Placing wool under the track will reverse the direction of any minecart that enters that block.


I've also added lift signs. To use them, place either [Lift Up] [Lift Down] or [Lift] on the second line of a sign, you can put whatever you want on the other lines. Then you right click on either an up or down sign, and it will take you to a lift sign above/below that sign.

Put [Lift Top] on the second line and right clicking it will take you to the highest possible place to stand above where you are standing. Very useful for escaping caves or secret exits.

Other Stuff

Leaves have a 4% chance of dropping apples and a 1% chance of dropping normal leaves. Normal leaves also have a low chance of dropping brown dye, but this will be removed whenever a proper gathering method is added.

Snow has a 20% chance of dropping an extra snowball, even if you aren't using a spade.

Lapis ore has 20% chance of dropping an extra blue dye, no matter what tool you use.

You will heal half a heart every 30 seconds.

If you die, it will say "PlayerName died."

Creepers have 20% chance of dropping 1-2 glowstone dust if killed (not exploded) and 10% chance of dropping sand.

Pig Zombies have a 20% chance of dropping (in order of likeliness) netherrack, soulsand, or glowstone dust.

Zombies have a low (10-20%) chance of dropping sand or mushrooms.

20% of Creepers will be replaced with groups of 1-5 pigzombies or a skeleton riding a pig.

Admins will have red names, mods blue and normal users green.

It will give you a list of players online when you log in.

Bookshelves will still catch on fire, but they will never burn away.


KaBob799 14 years, 1 month ago

Well a lot of people who still wanted to play on creative hate /item, so the kits were a nice compromise. I might increase the numbers of some of the kits as time goes on.

Anyway, cheesemod has been updated adding a few minor things and making it so health regenerates at .5 hearts every 30 seconds.

Ferret 14 years, 1 month ago

But it can be disabled right? I don't like health regen anymore.

Alert Games 14 years ago

Would be nice if the kit amounts were increased a litte. Maybe double of that. Cause its irritating to repeatedly type it in, especially for 2 clayballs for example.

KaBob799 14 years ago

Added: redstone kit and minecart boosters (see blog).

Also keep in mind that you can type "/kit" to see the list of kits in game, without the amounts.

I'm working on adding nether support, but progress is slowish.

I'm also unsure if boosts will work on storage carts or powered carts, I never checked =/ If they don't I'll fix it in the next update.

KaBob799 14 years ago

Minecraft is down right now, but when it gets back there will be a few new cheesemod features.

Lift Top signs, less creepers, skeletons riding pigs, pigzombies and name colors. See the updated blog for full info.