Not a question

Posted by KaBob799 on Feb. 8, 2011, 7:12 p.m.

I have been up to nothing since my last blog. Not really true, but it feels like it =p

I've done a ton of cheesemod updates (all listed on last blog now, even the ones that aren't on 64d) and I've been playing a ton of runescape =p

Last week, all the schools in my area were closed from tuesday-saturday due to the crazy cold/ice/snow that is unusual for this part of Texas. We usually get some snow every year, but its usually not in the low 20s for an entire week afterwards. Now it's supposed to rain tonight then drop into the 20s and start snowing in the morning tomorrow, I'm crossing my fingers for my thursday classes to be cancelled =p Thank you summer volcanic eruption for making this a cold winter =p

But I didn't play runescape, minecraft and console games the entire week. I also did a tiny bit of work on pycoforums, a bit more on orbscape, worked more on the gamegame level editer and semi-revived Chi-Zu.

For GameGame, I mostly did some more work on the auto-tiling code to make it semi-support diagonal walls. They work now, but they dont visually blend in thanks to the outdated corner detection.

I've also practically finalized the save format for the levels, I'm really happy with how the idea has turned out because now it lets have an unlimited amount of objects amd multiple objects on one square while not requiring me to define the end of rows/collumns or the location of the object.

Basically, the idea I started out with was that I just define the width/height of the level and then have it split the rows based on that, having 1 byte = 1 space. But that would limit me to 255 types of objects and only one per space, so I decided to improve upon that idea.

When it comes up with a byte with a certain value (lets say 250), it will then look at the next byte without placing an object. So once i reach 250 objects, if i ever do, I can just restart at 250-0. Then 250-250-0, and so on. As for multiple objects in one space, exact same deal. When it places the level, it will go through the string counting up until it hits the row width. When it hits this special value (lets say 251) then it wont count it towards the width, causing it to place the following object on top of the previous one.

Obviously this map format only works for grid based games, and it's so simple that I'm sure it's unoriginal, but I'm still happy with it =p

My birthday is on the 22nd



RC 14 years ago

Here in Indiana right now, it's 11 degrees outside and tonight it's supposed to get down to 8 below. :(

KaBob799 14 years ago

The low tonight is 17 degrees, but sadly the roads mostly melted today so I the chances of class getting cancelled look low =[