Birthday + Minecraft Update

Posted by KaBob799 on Feb. 22, 2011, 11:50 p.m.

So today was my 21st birthday, I'll list the presents of importance in no specific order =p

Wii Play (finally have 4 wiimotes lol)

Fossil Fighters (ds)

Bioshock 2 (360)

Left 4 dead (360)

90 days of runescape membership


So pretty great as far as birthdays go =]

For minecraft, the server has been updated to the latest version of cheesemod bringing the following updates:

Place soul sand under track to create a brake, a few of these in a row will completely stop a cart. This will be more useful when I add the nether in an upcoming update.

Place wool under a track to create a reverse block, any cart that hits it will turn around and keep going at the same speed.

Lift signs are back and they work like the ones from craftbook. Put either [Lift Up] [Lift Down] or [Lift] on the second row of a sign and the up/down ones will take you to signs above/below them with any of those 3 commands. It keeps your relative position from the sign as well.


Alert Games 14 years ago

:D awesome. However, I think I'd rather have an xbox kinect, only cause eventually it might be a really cool webcam. Only cause personally I dislike the wii though.

so are all the original commands back then? I guess ill find out.

RC 14 years ago

I got Bioshock 2 for my birthday last year. :O

Ferret 14 years ago


Nice presents too :o

What the heck is soul sand? Have I really not played minecraft for this long?

KaBob799 14 years ago

Its the brown sand in the nether that slows you down.

Ferret 14 years ago

OOohhhh that stuff, never knew the name because I never bothered with it. How are you supposed to get that in SMP?

poultry 14 years ago

No one bought you beer? :|

JID 14 years ago

Is it just me or Minecraft hasn't been working for the past few days?

It keeps updating then going to a black screen. :\

KaBob799 14 years ago

I haven't heard of anybody else having issues =/

Theres no way to get soul sand in multiplayer yet, but brekes aren't too useful and I'll be adding the nether pretty soon.

The Avatrol 14 years ago

I hope they fix beds to make a little more sense, because as it stands now, they're kind of crappily implemented.