Broken Laptop + Web Game

Posted by KaBob799 on Feb. 28, 2011, 3:55 a.m.

So my laptop, which has been slowly degrading over the past 2.5 years, finally reached the critical point. The screen hinge has basically exploded and then couple days ago the fan, which has been having slight issues for a while, started going crazy any time it went up to full speed. So now I can't play games on it or really use it too much, which sucks because my desktop has gotten fat and lazy and decided to magically downgrade its hardware. It can't even run runescape or minecraft on the lowest detail when it used to run runescape on nearly max detail.

I'm probably going to send my laptop in to get fixed in a couple weeks, but I'm doubting the warranty will cover all of this so who knows what will happen. For now I'm just using my moms laptop whenever it is available and mine when I don' have a choice.

As for other stuff, cheesemod has been updated once again. You can now type /oldserver to visit a backup of arcton (its a bit old of a backup, but its still got the city). But don't bring items with you because you lose them all when you return to the main world. I've also added an iron kit, for those of you in creative areas.

Web Game

A couple blogs ago I mentioned this web game idea I had, I've further expanded on the idea and want to share the new gameplay addition I thought of.

A big issue I had with games like ogame is the actual gameplay. Older players had a huge advantage because they had a longer amount of time to upgrade their buildings. The only way for ogame to fight that was starting new servers all the time so people could start at the same time. I hated that though, when I play a game like ogame I want it to be relatively fair and I want the progress I make to last.

Theres no point in wasting weeks upgrading a solar system only to have it deleted, especially since you can't "win" the game. So my idea is to split my game into two pieces, you have to main universe where all the solar systems are located and where battle take place.

Then you have an alternate dimension machine which gives you access to a new alternate dimension every 5-7 days (your choice). While your main solar system will still produce resources, the speed will be nothing compared to stuff in the untouched alternate dimension.

So you build up your stuff in that dimension and try to gather as many resources as you can from it before the 7 days is up. This way active players are rewarded more than old players and it somewhat implements the server reset system without making you lose everything. But most importantly, it means the game will be more than just logging in to upgrade your stuff.


Misconstruct 14 years ago

Shoulda bought a Macbook.

KaBob799 14 years ago

From what I've seen thats basically spending more money on a laptop that does less and breaks easier, I don't own any games or programs that run on mac. The only reason my laptop is breaking is because it has been heavily used and moved around a ton.

But even if it was a good idea for me to get a macbook, I wouldn't because I hate apple =p

Misconstruct 14 years ago

Breaks easier? Don't think so.

KaBob799 14 years ago

From what I've seen of friends with macs, that is the case =p

Misconstruct 14 years ago

Your friends, no offense, must be retards.

KaBob799 14 years ago

Well they did buy macs…


Misconstruct 14 years ago

Quit trying to defend them. They're retards, plain and simple.

Eva unit-01 14 years ago

PC gamers should stay away from Macs at all costs. Well, at least buying one. Get another Win7 laptop, and use part of that extra 500 you'd spend on a Mac getting a bunch of games haha.

Misconstruct 14 years ago

Or alternatively I could just not get a Mac and use the extra $2000 for a bunch of games, but I want my MBP. lol

Ronnica 14 years ago

Kaboobies and I are laptop twins. I GOT THE SAME ISSUES, MAN!