Quantum Conflict - The Battle Engine

Posted by KaBob799 on March 3, 2011, 5:02 p.m.

Quantum Conflict is the (potentially temporary) name I have chosen for my web game. Quantum because it could potentially use the quantum mechanics many-worlds interpretation (the dimension teleporting mentioned in my last blog). But its not like the science is going to be perfect in the game, I just needed a nice sounding name that wasn't something like SpaceVille =p

So today I came up with solutions for a couple of major issues I was still working on. The first is ship limitations, I want battles to be kind of like pokemon so letting people make 5000 ships would be silly.

So my solution is to have the ships require a rare fuel, maybe antimatter or something, so you once you hit that fuel limit you cant have any more active ships. Different ships will require different amounts of fuel and fuel gathering will be somewhat upgradeable, though in a very limited form to keep things balanced. But I will let players have a ton of ships (gotta catch em all), it will work just like pokemon with a an active fleet (party) and then storage hangers (pokemon box).

This also solves what to do with battles, I don't want people ships to be destroyed or for them to lose all of their resources, so the obvious solution is to steal all the fuel on the losers ships and sell it. Then they will need to wait a few minutes for fuel to be restocked and for repairs to be made, providing a decent but light punishment for losing. When you attack people, you will also have to wait for your ships to limp back home on backup power which will discourage people from sending out constant attacks for no reason.

As for the battles themselves, I've decided to make it a bit more original than the turn based pokemon style battles I originally envisioned. Instead, a turn of attacks will happen all at the same time. This way, some attacks will interact with each other in ways not possible with pokemon.

Attacks will have launch times and travel times, so lazers might take a couple time units to charge but then hit the other ship in just 1 unit. Maybe your random spray of lazers will destroy some missiles, or maybe an ion cannon will take out their shields seconds before you hit them with "bullets."

I haven't thought too much on the variety of ships, weapons and interractions yet, but I'm hoping to have a good amount so people don't stick with the same few weapons all the time.

So thats Quantum Conflict. I'm planning to focus on developing it this year in the hopes of earning enough advertising money to pay for a better server.


JID 14 years ago

I could have sworn that I've heard of a game called "Quantum Conflict" before that was made in GM.

Anyway, it Sounds cool. Now gimme demoez. =D

KaBob799 14 years ago

Hmm I did a quick google search earlier and found nothing. I looked back now and my blog is the #1 result for "quantum conflict" and #2 without the quotes lol. Guess I've claimed this name >:)

Castypher 14 years ago

I always do Google searches to make sure I've got a semi-original name.

KaBob799 14 years ago

Yeah me too. The only thing I found using the name was some random song that was made 3 years ago and it didn't look important enough to bother coming up with a new name =p