KaBlog: Glogs

Posted by KaBob799 on March 29, 2011, 3:42 p.m.

One of the new features I've been planning for Game Plague V4 are glogs (gaming logs). The basic idea is kind of like twitter, you post short (up to 500 characters, but I'm guessing most will be <100) status updates about your progress in various games.

The difference is that it connects to Game Plagues game database, so you tag each post under a certain game (or a custom category, if its something like "I bought a 3DS!"). Then you can view all your entries by category, by user, or view entries by all users for a certain game or console. Though you can also set entries to be friends only, or private. If the game isn't in the database, it will be easy to add games and no game will be too unpopular for the database. You could also use it to post status updates about work on a game you are making.

So hopefully at least 1 person on 64d is interested in trying glogs, cause I'll need beta testers once I make it =p

As for Pokemon Twilight, I'm hoping to release v5.5 in june and then after that start work on a complete engine rewrite using openpokemon v2 as a base (my one, theres at least 2 engines called this =p). Right now its just walking, doors, dialog boxes and talking npcs that are randomly walking though. But I'm actually thinking the rest should be easy to add.


colseed 13 years, 11 months ago

Hmm…interesting idea.

I'd probably end up posting a bunch of multiplayer-based things though so…yeah.

KaBob799 13 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, thats what I expect over half of the activity to be.

Castypher 13 years, 11 months ago

Ah, I confused it with a devblog, in which case a 500 character limit would be brutal. I guess if everyone on the site has a common interest, talking about what you do on games could be fun. But overall, I don't really care when Kenon brags about TF2, even though I'm also interested in the game.

KaBob799 13 years, 11 months ago

Well I don't care about other people too much, I just like keeping track of when I do things like beat games or gain levels. Like for RuneScape, I can scroll way back on twitter and see what I was doing back in early 2009. I've got every level, every quest and every major achievement/purchase stored there.

But twitter kinda sucks for that cause have to keep clicking "more" to see like 20 at a time and theres no search or page feature so I'd have a stack of hundreds upon hundreds of tweets <_< So thats why I want to make and use glogs lol.

But I'll also probably use it as a miniblog for gamegame and pokemon twilight, detailing the updates as I make them. Kind of like mojang employees do with minecraft, but without the dozens of nonsense tweets in between =p

But for other people, I'll just have to wait and see how people want to use it and then build the site to encourage that.

JuurianChi 13 years, 11 months ago

"Shutup, I'm gloging!"

Yeah. it could work. I'm game!

F1ak3r 13 years, 11 months ago

I thought "glog" was a really stupid word when YYG made it up. My opinion has not changed.

KaBob799 13 years, 11 months ago

I think it was used as "graphical log" before YYG ever used it as game log or whatever it's supposed to stand for in their case . I can't think of any better short word to describe them. "Gaming status update" just isn't very catchy.