Two finals down...

Posted by KaBob799 on May 10, 2011, 3:14 p.m.

1.5 to go…. and I already confirmed that I did good on my German 2 final =D

I haven't decided yet if I'm going to take the final in my stupidly easy online class yet. I think theres about an 80% chance I'll get an A whether or not I take it, I should probably just ask my professor to confirm my grade =p

So I had an idea for a game recently that is basically Pokemon + Zoo Tycoon, but not too similar to either series. I'm going to make it, but I'll have to make it using Pokemon sprites since I don't have the resources to develop enough original sprites. I'm going to call it Pokemon Managerie =o Heres a link to a slightly more detailed description: Of course when I say I'm going to make a game theres only a 20% chance I'll release a demo within in the next year =p

Outside of that, I've been working on CheeseMod and PycoForums recently. But my laptop is getting sent in to get repaired tomorrow, so I might be forced to play console games more often for the next few weeks =p


Alert Games 13 years, 10 months ago

My friend designed some hi-res pokemon in battle stances like the pixelated ones. It is quite neat. :O

Also, I have 2 more finals to go. Math being one of them. Also a paper to write. Not too happy.

KaBob799 13 years, 10 months ago

I am very happy to be done with math classes forever =p

Zarniwooop 13 years, 10 months ago

Funny, I have at least 7 years of math classes left. Including 5 at a university.