Will I have a summer break?

Posted by KaBob799 on May 16, 2011, 2:25 a.m.

I'll find out tomorrow, cause whoever the genius was that planned my colleges schedules decided that:

a) You need 60 credit hours to take a specific class I want to take, for no apparent reason

b) Semester grades don't have to be posted until tuesday

c) Late registration for summer interssesion classes ends monday

So if my grades aren't posted by 1pm monday, chances are I won't be taking that summer class I was going to take because I won't have 60 credit hours. It's a win/win situation for me, I can take the class next summer and I don't really care if I take it or not this summer.

Also, I ended up not having to take my 4th final =D

Anyway, I've been making good progress on PycoForums including the German translation. It should be interesting to see if I ever get a german speaking forum set up. I'm thinking after German I should work on Brazillian Portugese because I've heard Brazil will become much more important in the next few decades, but German gets priority because I actually understand some of it =p But none of these translations will really matter until I get a better host and can let people create their own forums.

I've also been making good progress on CheeseMod. The next time we update the servers copy of bukkit a new version of CheeseMod will add specific death messages. So if you die by fire, it says "Player burned to death" and so on. It should be fun =D


Alert Games 13 years, 9 months ago

Yeah i ended up switching from IT to computer science, so i had 2 classes that weren't required. So now Im taking C++ over the summer :)

KaBob799 13 years, 9 months ago

The answer to my title has been changed to: Probably, but I'll be sure on tuesday.