Unexpected progress and games

Posted by KaBob799 on June 1, 2011, 11:05 p.m.

Today I got 2 months of xbox live gold, so I'm gonna being trying like crazy to finish up some online achievements. I'm starting out with Bioshock 2, and once I finish that I might try to find someone who has Beautiful Katamari or Banjo Kazooie. I dunno any other games I own that I have all easy multiplayer achievements =p

Anyway, the unexpected progress was with the PycoForums translation project. Thanks to some helpful people on the Game Fortress Forums, I ended up getting a very good portion of the forums translated into Dutch and Portuguese (Brazil). I also learned that I never knew how to spell Portuguese correctly =p

So that's pretty awesome and it's got me inspired to do more forum work. Also still thinking about PycoBlogs, I really need to get around to making it soon =p

As for minecraft, I haven't really been playing. All of my current projects are unavailable until we install cheesemod again, so I've been staying off of the server. I did finally start on my RuneScape map in single player, but I only made the very front part of Lumbridge Castle so far. Cheesemod itself has made minor progress, plus it now supports a survival only world.


HeroofTime55 13 years, 9 months ago

why 2 months bro

KaBob799 13 years, 9 months ago

That was the sale, $2 for 2 months.

HeroofTime55 13 years, 9 months ago

oh shit, that ain't bad. Is that sale still up? Can I tack the 2 months on to my existing gold?

PS: Same nick on live. HeroofTime55. errywhere.