Laptop ruined + Minecraft Skylands

Posted by KaBob799 on June 6, 2011, 5:46 p.m.

So today they finally took a look at my laptop and here is what they had to say: "Direct impact damage has caused the following hardware to fail..

Must replace dual harddrives,mother-board ,case parts ,lcd plastic

Estimates are subject to change during final test…$725.00 arl"

I sent my laptop in to get the hinge and fan fixed, but now apparently i need new hard drives and a mother board? And for $725…. despite being under warranty. I could get a much better new laptop for $850 and I would get a free xbox thanks to a microsoft sale going on right now. So hopefully they mail me back my laptop and they havent broken the hard drives or erased them or something <_< Cause my laptop was still useable.

Anyway, we now have a 4th world in a minecraft server. Type /skyland and you will be taken to a world of floating sky islands. Also I made it so warps can be in other worlds, so admins can add warps to oldserver, skylands and the nether when it returns.


Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

I wouldn't doubt that he caused that much trouble, which is why I told you guys to keep an eye on him.

All I saw (and I was behind him at the time) was Mistic constantly attacking him and taking his items. Though I did hear him complain about losing his items to switching worlds, he cooled down about it relatively fast while I was there.

Like I said, keep him banned. But if you want to unban him briefly, I can check his inventory and hopefully return some things.

KaBob799 13 years, 9 months ago

Well I was there when he lost the items and he kept whining about it for like an hour until he logged out =/

Then according to mistic he got on and killed mistic twice so mistic killed him but gave him his items back. But then tycus wouldn't stop killing him so I kicked him and he never logged back in.

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

For sure, he's one of those people who can't handle defeat on games. He's one of the biggest ragers I've ever seen on games like League of Legends. I just honestly didn't know how he could possibly get upset at a Minecraft server with all the rules intact, and as you say, a mod on. So I decided to let him stay on.

I apologize for his behavior. I assumed he might act like an adult when I stressed that he had to behave. Is there any other destruction?

KaBob799 13 years, 9 months ago

It's fine, its hard to predict how people will act in minecraft =p I think we've already taken care of all the stuff he stole/messed up so no worries =p

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

Ask Mistic. I think he looted Tycus (had a bunch of TNT and such).