CheeseMod download and Moar

Posted by KaBob799 on June 14, 2011, 5:08 p.m.

So I've finally made my minecraft server mod available for download. You can find the info and link at

As far as I know it should just run when you install it, it should create all the text files it needs automatically now but if it starts spitting out file errors let me know. Theres no settings file yet though, so your stuck with an exact duplicate of 64ds setup =p

Still no progress has been made on my laptop, it's just sitting in the companies warehouse or whatever <_<

As for my other stuff, I've been playing some xbox games thanks to my 2 months of gold membership. I kinda wish more of my games still had active online players, but I didn't even own most of those games until years after they came out. It's going to make achievement hunting tough =/

I've also started work on yet another web game. This time a companion game for Pokemon Twilight which will run off of the PT site, mostly inspired by a recent jump in advertisement profits. Plus I've been making further progress on the foreign language translations of PycoForums.

Also it appears the Wii U is a pretty decent jump above the 360/PS3 in graphics, maybe as high as 50% better.


PY 13 years, 8 months ago

50%? It's been 6 years, modern components are a dozen, or more, times as fast as they were back then. It looks like the aeiou's GPU will be based off of ATI's 5000 range, which is modern. I don't think they even make a card in that range that's not several times stronger than the PS3 or 360's GPU.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Try 5450.

KaBob799 13 years, 8 months ago

The Wii U is using a custom Radeon GPU similar to the R770 which is in cards like the 4890. Nintendo isn't going with this years latest tech, this isn't a surprise since they hope to release it for around $300 instead of $500+ Lets not turn this blog into another annoying Nintendo complaint party.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

At least $300 is a decent price.

And regarding Cheesemod, is there a particular version of Bukkit or a Cheesemod addition that adds the chest logs? Because all I have right now are blocks (placement and destruction), fire, jump, warp, and other.

Other includes things like sign placement, /alchemy, etc.

Unless paintings can't be considered blocks and thus wouldn't be found in any destruction log.

Oh, and is there a "teleport-to-coordinates" or "setspawn" command? Those would be really nice.

KaBob799 13 years, 8 months ago

Admins can use /setspawnc, I haven't added a teleport to coordinates command but you can modify the warps file in a text editer =]

As for chest logs, if CheeseMod can run then they should work. CheeseMod only logs blocks that I set it to log, so right now it doesn't log paintings (mostly because it would spam the logs with people trying to get specific paintings)

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Good point.

And why is it /setspawnc? What's the C for?

KaBob799 13 years, 8 months ago

It was to prevent people guessing it back in the days before user groups =p Guess I should remove the c lol.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Doesn't work in the older Cheesemod version. Guess I'll redownload.

Last, any particular explanations as to why some players can't build or dig in some areas? We've pretty much got two sides divided right on the spawn, one where some people can't do anything. Any ideas?

KaBob799 13 years, 8 months ago

Theres a box around the spawn point that non-ops can't edit. It's a minecraft feature, not cheesemod =p A lot of commands require you to be both op and admin, so make sure your both before you try setting the spawn.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

The thing is, both myself and the player in question are admins. But I can modify the terrain and she can't.

And spawn setting worked fine after a little troubleshooting (mostly going into the admin file and removing duplicate names).

EDIT: I updated and suddenly /give doesn't work anymore. Is that supposed to happen?

EDIT2: Apparently now /item works as /give.

Also, I know you have multiple world support, but do you support multiple sets of mods? Because I'd like to do the whole creative server, then maybe a warp to a world that people want to use RPG elements in, or something.