Laptop still ruined + CheeseMod + Etc

Posted by KaBob799 on June 20, 2011, 10:28 p.m.

So today the company we sent my laptop to confirmed they wont be repairing it under warranty. They say that not only is the warranty only for confirmed hardware defects, but implied that i'm lying about what caused the damage and that they wouldn't fix it anyway because I waited until summer (going to college without it would have sucked) and let the problems get a bit worse. The funny thing is though, the parts would have needed replacement either way so it didn't make their repair any harder. Needless to say, we're not spending over $750 on repairs when I can get a new better laptop and a free 360 for $700.

I've been doing a tiny bit of work on GameGame and Opaque (a crappy puzzle game using the gamegame engine) and I've been making progress on the PT site by adding a type chart and starting work on an AttackDex. I've been pulling in enough profits lately to upgrade my server a bit, if they don't drop back down.

In the world of Minecraft, I wont be on too much for the next week or so but I've still been working on cheesemod in my spare time. Tonight I'm going to try to add multi-world nether support, now that bukkit has expanded their portal event code. If it goes well it should be up on the server within 24 hours. If not, lets just wait for bukkit to fix it themselves =p

edit: Mission accomplished, the new cheesemod is uploaded to 64d, but we wont be able to update the properties file or move the creative nether back until tomorrow. So no nether tonight =[

I'll upload CheeseMod 1.6.6_3 to the CM site in a min for anybody else using it. Tomorrow I might try to tweak the default portal action to use a less ridiculous distance when checking for nearby portals.

Also, heres a picture I took today:


colseed 13 years, 8 months ago

Looks like a grackel eating cornmuffin.

KaBob799 13 years, 8 months ago

Thats an entire piece of popcorn in its mouth =]

BP Scraps 13 years, 8 months ago