Laptop Fixes, CheeseMod Features, etc.

Posted by KaBob799 on July 20, 2011, 3:37 p.m.

HP officially announced the fix for my laptops switchable graphics opengl issue, so that problem should hopefully be resolved in a week or two. They're either going to add a bios feature to switch between dynamic and fixed mode, or add a control panel thing that does the same thing. We'll find out whenever its released =p Anyway, it's safe to buy HP laptops that have switchable graphics now. The battery life is pretty awesome thanks to it.

In Minecraft news, I made a fancy little web page that shows the GFF server status I could make one for 64d too, should I? As far as features go, I invented a new Minecraft sport called Kaplunk.

In Kaplunk, you can one hit break any block with your hands and the goal is to make the other players fall to death. You wont be able to hurt people by punching them, so fall damage (especially falling out the bottom of the map) is the best way to fight. You also can't use /tp so you have to actually dig to people. It gets pretty crazy with 3+ people. It's still a work in progress, I'll probably disable more of the commands later on and I still need to program an option to reset the map and change between normal/nether/skyland. Anyway, to get to Kaplunk just do /kaplunk.

Right now, only 64d and GFF have the latest CheeseMod, I'll try to release 1.7.3_6 on the site sometime this weekend once I have things fixed up a bit better. I also need to finish updating the guide with all the newer functions like /block.

Outside of Minecraft, my 360 arrived last week and it's pretty nice. It's too bad you have to buy the controller cord/rechargeable batteries seperate though. I also got this nice tiny surge protector for my laptop so that I can safely plug it in at college classes. Hopefully the lack of surges will make my battery last longer than my first laptops =p


Castypher 13 years, 7 months ago

Gamertag: Kralys

I should start adding everyone on 64Digits.

Alert Games 13 years, 7 months ago

gamertag: alertspartan

Also to keep the battery up, charge it up for a while (at least for full charge…) then deplete it all the way till it cant run the computer but is not completely dead.

Then never let the battery run till it completly dies or it kills the battery life slowly but surely.

HeroofTime55 13 years, 7 months ago


HeroofTime55 13 years, 7 months ago

Oh, I think I get it now.

I got the password right, but the web installer breaks. I suspect it's because I only have one database, lols.

Now I'm in territory where I'm utterly clueless as to how things work.

KaBob799 13 years, 7 months ago

HeroofTime55 13 years, 7 months ago

What the fuck dude

colseed 13 years, 7 months ago