Last day of humble bundle and other things

Posted by KaBob799 on Aug. 8, 2011, 1:47 p.m.

So theres just a little over 24 hours left of the 3rd humble indie bundle, they added yet another game to it since my last blog but the average sale has risen to $5.71 for people hoping to get the 2nd bundle included.

As for the ridiculous heat mention in my last blog, today marks the 38th day of 100+ degree heat. If long range weather prediction are to be believed, we have at least 10 more days of these temperatures which will lead to us matching the previous record of 42 on Friday and then moving beyond it to set a new record, maybe we'll hit 50+ days <_<

In gaming news, I tried playing Brink saturday night. It sucked… I tried the campaign mode, the character customization was ridiculously limited (despite how customizable it is being a selling point, the only good point was the customizable voices) and the campaign involved dying, waiting to respawn or revive, having to run across the entire map and then trying to figure out where your supposed to stand to obtain your objective within the time limit. Then there was a level where you had to take an object across the map, but my stupid team mates would always run off ahead with it and die so we lost.

In some ways it's just not my type of shooter, but even the little time I spent with call of duty was more fun than this.


JuurianChi 13 years, 7 months ago

They built Brink on the idea that they could mimic TeamFortress2's formula "and" have a story mode as a selling point. (Because your not supposed to be able to sell a game simply on it's multiplayer. which I don't believe…) So they built the Crummy Multiplayer and then rushed together a Campaign.

BP Scraps 13 years, 7 months ago

This blog reminded me of this:

That will be all.