CheeseMod 1.7.3_7 Imminent, GameGame Returns

Posted by KaBob799 on Aug. 22, 2011, 9:19 p.m.

PAX is nearly here, which means my self-imposed deadline for CheeseMod 1.7.3_7 release is nearly here. As people on 64d have seen, I've been making lots of random improvements in the dev builds but I still have a few major goals to finish up this week. Of upmost importance is the new world handling system, which will let you customize various settings of worlds and have as many worlds as you want.

So if you have any minor suggestions to make, say them now. I can't guarantee I will listen to them though =p


I've been taking an unnofficial break from GameGame for most of this year, focusing on CheeseMod instead. Mostly because I started working on the auto-tiling system and got tired of fixing the minor graphical bugs.

But I've been feeling more inspired to create my own games lately, so I think once CheeseMod 1.8.1 or whatever comes out I will start working hard on GameGame again.


Alert Games 13 years, 4 months ago


Takes you back from where you last warped or tp'd at. Makes it easy to check something or someone out and resuming where you were :)

KaBob799 13 years, 4 months ago

Done. "/r tp" a veteran/staff command for now.

KaBob799 13 years, 4 months ago

Done. /block tp, and I've increased the range of /block commands from 100 to 150 to match /jump. For now it is staff only, will also be available to veterans soon. It will not activate /r tp since its such a short range. In the logs it will show up as a /jump.

KaBob799 13 years, 4 months ago

So…. thats it?

Moikle 13 years, 4 months ago

I already mentioned adding the [deposit] sign for minecart chests, but also maybe you could check the third line of the sign for the id of a material to deposit? so like

Quote: sign





would deposit all the tnt from the minecart to the chest

also a reverse one for moving from the chest to the minecart could be [take] or something

Alert Games 13 years, 4 months ago

I would suggest some more changes with the watch group. Some things dont need to be shown, like /block type.

If I wanted to destroy something i would use alchemy not block type lol.

But my favorite is summon block combined with the stick. Soooooo useful :P

DesertFox 13 years, 4 months ago

Minor suggestion: Teleport to the block you're looking at.

/mtp anyone? Thats been avaiable for like… a month?

@Alert - yah summon block = uberuseful :3

Ferret 13 years, 4 months ago

/r to quickly respond to a /pm message without having to type out a name fully. if /r is taken, /re would be just fine.

like so:

/pm <user> <message>

/r <message>

KaBob799 13 years, 4 months ago

You don't have to type out the full name, just enough to identify the user. The problem is, what you recieved a pm from someone else right before you sent the reply?


Well CheeseMod is also for other servers that don't have FoxMod, so I still need to add these features =p

Ferret 13 years, 4 months ago

Not all that many people send pms, it works just fine with any game on should be fine here. Also I didn't know we didn't have to fully type names, thats useful…