USB Backups and CheeseMod

Posted by KaBob799 on Aug. 28, 2011, 1:57 a.m.

So with another recent issue of USB drive failure on 64d, it has me thinking I should automate my USB backups. I moved CheeseMod to a USB drive weeks ago, so even losing a week of progress would be a major issue.

So yeah, anybody know of any free programs which will automatically back up a USB drive every day or two? Preferably it would check how long it has been when I plug the drive in, so that I don't need to have it plugged in and running at a certain time just to do the backup.

Anyway, CheeseMod progress has been slow this week due to the start of the fall semester, in which I have to wake up way too early compared to my usual "wake up sometime between 11am and 1pm"

I'm still planning on finishing 1.7.3_7 before MC 1.8 comes out though, meaning I'll probably need to do a lot of work Sunday and Monday unless notch announces an official release date. My changelog is getting ridiculously long, and it doesn't even include every single update since some things are shortened to something like "added a veteran group" instead of listing all the minor additions/changes for veteran permissions.

Right now I'm doing some early support code based on what little we know of 1.8. I'm gonna add a "no enderman editing" option to worlds so people can disable them from moving blocks. But mostly I'm just rewriting stuff like spawnmob to have a better mob selecting system, so that the new mobs can be handled nicely with per-group permissions =]

But seriously, with so many people playing MC 1.8 at PAX I expected there to be a ton of info on the wiki by now but they're just like "heres a crappy picture of a blue poisonous spider" "oh they added vines I guess, not gonna say if they do anything though…."


PY 13 years, 6 months ago

You could write an autorun file to prompt for a backup whenever you stick it in, but for something like source files, I'd use git - having a full copy of the repo at every place you use it is one of git's major strengths, and (according to the docs, I've never used it) it doesn't have any issue working with local remote repositories.

KaBob799 13 years, 6 months ago

It's not just source files though, I've got other stuff on there. I do plan on using git sometime but I need a seperate backup anyway =p

KaBob799 13 years, 6 months ago

I'm looking for an automated program to backup locally…. if I wanted to backup online/manually I could use my own server.