CheeseMod Ridiculous ChangeLog

Posted by KaBob799 on Sept. 5, 2011, 7:48 p.m.

So I released CheeseMod 1.7.3_7 today. You can download it from Everyone on the 64d server has already seen the updates but chances are there are changes you never noticed. Which is why I have kept a changelog this time around, here it is:

Wearing bedrock on your head (/block helm) will make you invincible and creepers wont target you unless provoked, plus you will instant break blocks. Obsidian will do the same, but without the instant block breaking.

Renamed Old Server to creative.

Replaced the old world switching commands with /realm [world name] (can also be called /world). This command also makes sure the worlds are loading properly and will list available worlds if you leave off the argument.

Noobs can no longer place lava or fire and wont be able to blow up creepers or get targetted by ghasts.

Fixed lift top signs to work correctly in the nether again.

Fixed /check to list all options.

Renamed /chreload to /chrefresh

Removed /online, use /who its shorter.

Made alchemy, convert and level slightly more efficient

Wearing a sponge helm will damage send you flying, if you do it right you’ll keep bouncing off the ground. Trampoline mode!

Made it so people who log in via offline mode are renamed CM_Player### (random numbers) and their name appears gray. This way more than one can log in. But these users can’t place/break blocks, open chests, or use certain commands so it will be harder for them to grief.

Made it so you can do /block helm [id] [player] and changed it so you set to 0 to remove your helm. Keep in mind that players can keep the blocks you give them as helms.

Prevented non staff from using /spawn if the user is more than 100 blocks away.

Added partial chest/jukebox/furnace/dispenser protection, place a sign directly underneath with [Safe] on the 2nd line. It will automatically place your name on the 1st. You can also put 2 other players names on lines ¾. You will need 2 signs for double chests, so up to 6 people can have access per double chest, also all staff can access regardless. The only security risk is explosions. Due to this, I have added a property to disable the previous chest logging which would notify you when people right clicked or destroyed a chest.

Added a work around for minecrafts chunk not appearing warp glitch.

Added redstone sign functionality.

Made it so creepers and ghasts in creative wont target players unless attacked, likewise creepers in the man world will have slightly smaller explosions.

Made /level affect long grass.

Fixed an error in /check dir and made it output the minecraft direction (sun rises in north) instead of real world.

. Added direction # as well.

It is no longer possible to accidently do /kill mobs instead of /mobs kill

Wearing a diamond pickaxe on your head will make you instantly break any block

Made it so you can do /mobs rainbow [range] for a specific sheep color

Made portals a bit pickier about choosing spots

Made it so player data is randomly saved, to help with crashes.

Add ‘/item clear’ to empty your inventory (leaves your armor alone) Can also do ‘/item clear [item]’ to remove a single item type (does not check data value)

Added a guest user group with gray names, when people first log in to the server they will be in the guest group if they are not whitelisted. People that have logged in before this update will not. If guest mode is turned off, anybody who visits will not be on the guest list when it is turned back on. Removing someone from the whitelist deletes their user statistics, so don’t do it for fun. By default, guests can’t place/break blocks, detonate creepers or spawn mobs.

Made it so mods can add/remove people from the noob group, watch group and whitelist.

Made it so it says “was kickedâ€? when /kick is used

Made /check block output sign text and /check biome output temperature/humidity (not that these don’t make any real sense)

Made it impossible to spam block logs if the placement fails, same with failed warp signs

Made it so normal users have access to /item in creative, with only a few items blocked. Also added better item name support, include item names for items with data values like wool.

Added /block raise/raiseto/lower

Added /check stat time to see how long you have been on the server

Added a new [Destroy] minecart sign that works like [unride] but doesn’t drop the minecart, useful since most people will be using [minecart] signs instead of their own minecarts.

Added a veteran group which is more powerful than normal members but less powerful than mods. Veterans have limited /item use (like all users have in creative) and can use /time and /storm.

Added a 5% chance of catching a piece of clay, worn leather boots or a used fishing rod instead of a fish.

Made it so right clicking an action sign wont place a block.

Renamed the /t command to /talk (/t still works) and made it so it can be used in game by anyone, this will allow you to say a command without it activating by doing something like “/t /time dayâ€?

Various changes to guest/noob permissions

Added a basic motd feature.

Added max warp name length of 25.

Added group based warps, add the group name after the warp name in setwarp to limit a warp to that group and higher ranked groups. Also added hidden warps, which anybody can warp to but wont appear In listwarps to non staff.

Added veteran+ command /r which repeats your last used command (please note, it resets if you do /reload). You can do /r check to see what you’ve last used

Added color bbcode [red], etc that works with /s, /t, signs and motd.

Added /time [arg] [world] for the server console. Does not work on survival worlds.

Added multiworld support for /home and /sethome. Renamed homes.txt to home_worldname.txt, so you will want to rename your existing homes.txt to home_world.txt

Fixed [Warp] Signs to work in any world.

Added the players location to the death log.

Made it so dying in the nether will respawn you in the primary world.

Add /mobs itemwhee2

Fixed first time user spawning to be precise, this may require you to move the spawn point on new worlds because default spawns can be in awkward locations.

Made /spawnmob not work if 250+ (450+ for staff) entities, excluding items and arrows, are within 150 blocks of you. Also normal users will be limited to 100 mobs per command for pigs and potentially aggressive mobs.

Made /block helm and /block type accept item names instead of just id numbers

Changed some log messages so that they don’t appear to the watch group.

Removed default sponge logging from the now called minor block logging, but added medium and full block logging as well as an off option. When in medium or full, the block logs will not appear in the console.

/Storm without any arguments will now only end storms, to start a storm like before do /storm start.

Added multi-item kits and kit items with data values, for data values you must use the item name for now (like redwool). Kits can also do more than 64 of an item now and will put the item into your inventory instead of dropping it. Kkit editing is not in yet though, so this feature is pointless =p

Made /jump keep you facing the same direction

Added /r tp, which will teleport you to the last place you did /tp, /warp, /spawn, /home or were /tphere’d from. Will not work if you have been “/spawn usernamedâ€? though. Can be useful to quickly warp somewhere and then return where you were.

Increased range of /block commands from 100 to 150.

Added /block tp to teleport to the block you are looking at.

/item will put the item into your inventory, only dropping it if your inventory is too full.

Shortened the can’t keep up error message to just say “Can’t keep up!â€?

Added /block place [item] which place an item against whatever block you are looking at.

Added /block dist to see how far away a block is

Replaced /time check with /check time and made it also give an AM/PM time in addition to the number.

Added /jump top which works like a lift top sign. Can be used to stop sponge helm bouncing.

/jump2 is now done through /jump, same arguments

Added /kit [name] check to see how many/what items a kit gives

Added the number of blocks affected by a /alchemy to the logs and made it so alchemy switches to the max distance if you go over it

Giant spawn limit raised from 5 to 10, human keyword added for “monsterâ€?

Added /me, replacing the built in function for logging and coloring purposes

Added structure as a from option for /alchemy, converts blocks in a way that leaves structures fairly intact (ignores signs, stairs, torches, etc) Doesn’t support livetnt because that would be silly. Changed livetnt to limit to 150 blocks affected, rather than a range limit.

Added files under each worlds folder. This file will allow you to customize various aspects of individual worlds.

/mobs lightning will now do 1 lightning per game tick to prevent pig duplication

Rewrote /realm so that when it lists realms it colors the name gray if it is not loaded yet and requires a specific group to first load it. For other worlds, it will color them white if anybody can visit them, or the color of the group required to visit a world. Worlds you cannot visit (or need activated for you to visit) will not appear in the list at all. Worlds can also now be hidden from the list, by default all nethers will be hidden from the list since they do not have proper spawn points.

CheeseMod will once again allow you to log in to unloaded worlds (as long as they are an available world), however this will not function in offline mode due to bukkit limitations.

Added which coordinate direction a compass direction is to /check dir.

Made it so /realm will remember your last location in a world and teleport you to it, also if you switch to a world with a different item set cheesemod will save your current inventory and load the one you previously had in the new item set.

/ridem [id] is now /ride mob [id]

Added creative flag for worlds, in creative worlds creepers and ghasts wont attack players unless they are attacked first. Normal users will have access to limited /item just like veterans in normal worlds.

Added survival flag for worlds, in these worlds redstone signs will not work and various commands will not function

Prevents tame creepers from spamming the logs and made it so it doesnt log creepers which dont destroy anything.

Made it so block helm says when you change your helm

Added a world check to /ride and gave staff a 20 block range.

Shortened and/or added locations to various log messages.

Chrefresh now unloads nethers and can unload survival if it isn’t set to preload.

Added better success/failure messages to various commands.

Fixed the player finding commands (like /tp) so that, for example, bob799 could be selected even if kabob799 was on.

Added log message for /setspawn.

Reworked the name color system to use display names instead of a function for better efficiency.

Made warps a bit more accurate (the z and y values now go to 2 decimal spaces), without increasing the warp file size =]

Disabled sign logging when the sign is blank

I'll be adding all this information to the cheesemod site later this week.


BP Scraps 13 years, 6 months ago

That is a lot of changes.

Alert Games 13 years, 6 months ago

It didnt seem like much, until you see thus entire list o_o

great work. is there going to be a usergroup in between noob and whitelisted? Or should brand new people be promoted to noob if they seem good?

KaBob799 13 years, 6 months ago

Yeah noob can either be used as a punishment or as a bridge between whitelist and normal users, depending on how well you trust the new user.

This list would be even longer if I listed each redstone sign, world setting, etc =p