Too Advanced <_<

Posted by KaBob799 on Sept. 8, 2011, 5:56 p.m.

So I'm in week uh… 3… I think.. of this semester and I keep running into issues with my web development class. It's not the work amount, I work at maybe 100x+ the speed of the rest of the students and could have been done with the projects in week 2 if I felt like working ahead. The problem isn't even boredom, I sit the back row and work on websites, cheesemod, etc once I decide I'm far enough ahead of everyone.

Nope the problem is I have to resist going beyond the class requirements, which is apparently against my colleges course description and would result in me getting a 0 <_<

Say goodbye to php includes, say hello to copy pasting the same html into every single file because HTML inside a .html file counts and HTML inside a .php file doesn't, even though the special server they made us sign up for and use has PHP enabled.

The thing that makes this annoying is that its not my professor making these decisions, she knows php and wanted to teach it in this class but was told she couldn't. The good news is: the more useless the class, the less competition I have making good websites =p


CheeseMod 1.8_1 is under progress, it wont be too huge of an update from 1.7.3_7 but it will include some a lot of new world properties and hopefully bukkit will add spawning support for the new mobs right away so that I can uncomment that section of code.


sirxemic 13 years, 6 months ago

Man what a sucky class. Like seriously, the organisation is just horrible.

LAR Games 13 years, 6 months ago

I had one in high school, I didn't know more than anyone, but I did get everything faster and finished before them by a lot…

It was just a general computer class. I didn't know anything about them before that.

Alert Games 13 years, 6 months ago

yeah welcome to college. if you do it on your own, youll know half the stuff already.

anthonyloprimo 13 years, 6 months ago

In high school, if you went above and beyond, you got promoted and congratulated. Maybe got a bonus of some kind, and MAYBE scorned by the so-called "cool" people who think school is stupid.

In the workplace, going above and beyond gets you promoted.

In college, going above and beyond makes you repeat the class because they're dickheads.

High School: Getting you ready for the real world and supposedly college.

College: Curb Stomping people who try hard so they're useless in the real world.

Stories like this make me less willing to go back to college.