
Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 9, 2011, 11:57 p.m.

You know whats weird, this past school semester had me so tired that I forgot to visit 64digits for months D= It's been pretty crazy, between the horrible teacher for my 8am class (i've never had to wake up at 5:30am before <_<) and the annoying linguistics teacher/class which has caused me to switch my minor to geology rather than deal with her for the next couple classes.

Annoying Class:

The class is called Visual Media and the Internet, first day of class he tells us the name has nothing to do with the class. We've spent the semester doing random assignments, most of which aren't grades and some of which didn't even show up as one question on the midterm (which i believe the class average was a D). The few assignments that did actually matter were given ridiculously short deadlines, resulting in a class average low enough that my teacher has to round everyones grade up just so some of us can get higher than a D. And this is just a low level stupid class that everyone should get an A in if it was taught properly.

Luckily its almost over now, next week is finals week and I can only hope I get a C or higher in that class =p


I haven't had much time for games lately, just been doing runescape and some minecraft. I have been buying a lot of cheap games though, I can only hope I have time to play them soon =p

Programming/Game Design:

Things slowed down this semester, I've done some minor work on PycoForums, a decent amount of work on CheeseMod and a some random work on Pokemon Twilight and Korbis (the rpg I'm going to make that nobody remembers =p).


JuurianChi 13 years, 2 months ago
