Belated Christmas Blog

Posted by KaBob799 on Dec. 31, 2011, 6 p.m.

I decided to wait until I got all my presents to post this, I had a surprisingly good year for presents.

I got a 3DS =D

Super Mario 3D Land

Zelda: Skyward Sword

Kirby: Return to Dreamland

Portal 2


All the stuff I bought on black friday was paid for by my parents =p

The rechargeable battery/cord thingy for xbox 360

Inheritance (that one book)

Sonic 3D Blast for the Sega Genisis

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

and some random minor things and candy

Then with the money I bought Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars for 3DS as well as 4 random PS2 games (buy 2 get 2 free) and then I spent the 3DS club nintendo points on the DSiWare mario vs donkey kong =D Plus steam gave me that AAaAAaAAAqaaAAAAAa game for free.

So yeah, pretty awesome year and much more than I expected =p

Outside of presents, I released Pokemon Twilight 5.011 on Christmas and now I'm working on 5.012.

Also, it's still not complete but I think this is a good time to share my updated game collection blog which has grown a lot over 2011.


Eva unit-01 13 years, 2 months ago

Sonic 3D Blast was pretty damn awesome haha. Remember playing that on PC forever ago. Glad you're happy, see that's what 64D needs, happeh faces. Shiiiiieeet.

Kamira 13 years, 2 months ago

That why I got him Sonic 3D Blast, that game rocked my socks when I played it 10 or so years ago on PC.

Darthvender 13 years, 2 months ago

I got Skyward Sword for Christmas and I'm having some trouble with my Wii Plus controller setting the zero in a totally random direction after about 10 minutes of play.