CheeseMod Changelogs!

Posted by KaBob799 on Jan. 25, 2012, 10:32 p.m.

CheeseMod 1.1_1 came out just now and I never posted the 1.9/1.0 changelog so its time for the ultimate changelog blog of death. As usual, you can download CheeseMod from

Speaking of the CheeseMod site, I plan on getting it back up to date soon. Until then, these changelogs serve as the "help" file for the new changes.


Took control of the /kick function, now useable by mods/admins and not ops. Now you can shorten the username like other cheesemod functions and you can do /kick [reason for kicking here]

Lightning can no longer destroy signs (or was it paintings?)

Added ability to spawn the new mobs and updated existing systems to support them

Added a safety feature to /tp so that vulnerable players won’t teleport and fall to their death when people are flying.

Added a voidSafety property to worlds. 0 is normal, 1 prevents void damage and 2 teleports you safely to spawn if you almost die from the void. By default it will be 1 in normal worlds, 2 in survival worlds and 0 in skyland/the end. But for existing worlds you will need to add the property yourself

Added admin only function /check look [player] which will point you in the horizontal direction of another player

Made giants always drop 5 xp instead of 0

Reduced chances of skeleton riding pig spawning underground now that pigs do not despawn

Fixed /mobs superdog to set wolf health to 20 (bukkit started giving errors for 200 health =[)

Added /mobs doom which sets nearby mobs health to half a heart

Added 2 new kits, gold and melon

Added ‘/item repair’ which will reset the durability of whatever item you have wielded and ‘/item repair armor’ which will repair whatever armor you are wearing. Useful to prevent the loss of enchanted items. Can be used by anyone who can use /item.

Added coloration to /listwarps so you can confirm which warps require a certain user group. As before, warps which you cannot visit will not appear .

Fixed error that caused some warps to not be listed by /listwarps

Added /tp 1 to turn tp privacy on and /tp 0 to turn it off. When tp privacy is on, only staff will be able to /tp to you. If you have tp privacy on, you will be notified whenever you log in.

Added /tp [secret] which will teleport you 128 blocks above the target, useful for flying ops to spy on potential griefers

Added redstone sign S15 which takes argument1 as a mob name and argument2 as a vertical range. Fills any empty minecarts within that range with that mob. Sign requires same permissions as /spawnmob to be placed

Took control of the /gamemode command and reordered it so that its /gamemode [1/0] [name] You can leave off the name if just changing yours, you can shorten the name and you can use the words creative/survival instead of 1/0. Also made it so you can use /mode instead of /gamemode

Changed it so you can do /mobs boomself 0 which does no damage

Added /mobs boom range which creates a non damage explosion at every nearby living entity. Does 1 at a time like lightning. Also added boom2 which is a combo of safe lightning and boom

Added enderDragonDanger setting to world properties, when off it will prevent enderdragons from destroying blocks. Defaults to on.

Added redstone sign S16 which is an effects sign

[Safe] Signs will now protect whatever block is above them from an explosion


/block place now takes an additional argument for amount of blocks to place. Can add up to 50 blocks in a line for admins and 16 for mods. Stops if it hits a non air block.

Made /jump top slightly safer

Added structure2 alchemy which is like structure but doesn’t convert water or lava.

Fixed safe sign issues with player names longer than 15 letters.

Game mode and remaining air are now saved when switching between realm categories.

Tweaked sign text logging

Fixed an issue with /check biome

Revised logging system, combined jump/warp logs and fire/block logs, moved /block type to block log and made logs split by month/week/day depending on how quickly they fill up.

Changed flint/steel logging so that it says the fire location rather than the block clicked on.

Made it so ‘/block place’ logging will show up in console/watch group if it is a restricted item (anything veterans can’t /item). Mostly this will mean fire/lava/tnt. Also moved /block place to the block log.

Added magic text bbcode = [magic] or [cH]

Shortened creeper log length and then added the number of blocks destroyed.

Took control of the /xp function and renamed it to /lvl. The new format is /lvl [level] [/playername] and can be used by mods/admins.

Took control of the /ban-ip command and made it admin only. Can also be called /banip now. Same with /pardon-ip

Added a per-world allowFlight option. Choices are on/off, defaults to off if not defined. This does not affect flying from being in creative mode (not tested since I don’t have a fly mod)

Improved teleport safety (less chance of falling to death when teleporting to flying players)

Added death message for poison

Added ability to spawn baby animals, just add baby to the name (ex. Babycow)

Tossed the code that creates active.log because the website stats connection is superior.

Disabled /toggledownfall

Took control of the /stop command, making it admin only and adding optional delay (in seconds). Also publically announces when a shutdown is scheduled/occurs. You can add an additional argument for shutdown reminders, for example� /stop 600 300,60,30,10� would stop the server in 10 minutes and show reminders at 5 minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds and 10 seconds.

Removed world break checking code because bukkit finally fixed the issue.

Made it so /mobs boom and boom2 can take an additional power argument 1-20. This is admin only and can cause a ton of unwanted damage (mobs in caves below you. For example, it would utterly devastate mob spawner chambers) so I don’t suggest using it in a world you care about.

Took control of the op/deop commands and made them staff only.

Added a death message for players killed by baby wolves.

Gave wild animals (and mob spawner animals) a 2% chance of spawning as babies

Took control of the /ban and /pardon commands and made them admin only.

Took control of /say and made it staff only, now says Staff as the name instead of server.

Renamed /mobs killmywolves to freemywolves and made it so it vanishes them instead of kills them (no dead glitch bodies, plus less evil) killmywolves will still work until the next update.

Fixed it so chest access follows editGroup permissions.

Fixed up the /who [name] command.

Added /tell as another word for /pm and made it so the server console can use /pm.

Took control of whitelist, no real change in function just is a mod/admin command instead of an op command. Obviously I suggest using cheesemod whitelist group instead, but its there if you need it.

Took control of /save-all /safe-on and /save-off and made them admin only, also made it so you don’t have to put the -

Added world to /check block loc info

Fixed minor typo in /group command

Made it so /r does not record /pm or /say.

Fixed error with enchantments when switching world categories.


JID 13 years, 1 month ago


Moikle 13 years, 1 month ago

magic text? O_o

KaBob799 13 years, 1 month ago

That's what bukkit calls it =p

Moikle 13 years, 1 month ago

what does it do?

Alert Games 13 years, 1 month ago

i am also interested in the the magic text.

Though im gonna use the signs for some cool stuff. :o probably in new dungeons

Iasper 13 years, 1 month ago

The magic text messes up the text after it, making it appear as random characters that keep changing extremely fast.

JID 13 years, 1 month ago

Just clicked on this blog, then I turned on the T.V. and started changing through some channels and then I saw some of this on Cartoon Network.

Haha, completely random. This show sucks badly, but I didn't really expect to see Minecraft. :p

Moikle 13 years, 1 month ago

hey, how do you turn fire burning back on for a server?

Alert Games 13 years, 1 month ago

the show does such badly :P

also i wonder if kabob updated the signs yet…. im building a missle silo…

KaBob799 13 years, 1 month ago

I've updated the sign but theres a new recommended build of bukkit out that the server needs upgraded to before I can upload.