CheeseMod 1.1.0_2 and PT 5.013 Released

Posted by KaBob799 on Feb. 9, 2012, 8:22 a.m.

So just now I have released CheeseMod 1.1.0_2, the final cheesemod update before minecraft 1.2. As usual, it can be downloaded from the CheeseMod site.

As usual, CheeseMod is developed using the latest dev versions of Bukkit and may lose some minor functionality when used in the current recommended build.

1.1.0_2 Changelog

Renamed /mobs freemywolves to /mobs freepets in anticipation of pet cats.

Renamed /mobs superdog to /mobs healpets in anticipation of cats and reflecting the change in code.

Added /mobs heal which fills their health and puts out fire

Added /block remove [range] which is like the reverse of /block place. Range limit is 16 for mods and 50 for admins. Be careful! Will not remove chests, furnaces or dispensers except for the block you are looking directly at.

Added death messages for players killed by mobs that can’t normally attack (cows, villagers, etc) just in case.

Added /mobs arrow2 which is a combination of /mobs target and /mobs arrow (useful for killing people with mobs that can’t normally attack ;) )

Added a death message for generic arrows (dispensers, etc)

Removed /unride, just type /ride to unride now.

Added a skip argument to /block place. Sets an amount of blocks to skip between placements, so for example /block place 50 50 2 would place torches with 2 empty blocks in between.

You can now do ‘/block place [id] [amount] [skip] follow’ to have yourself teleported relative to the blocks placed.

Made it so ‘/time’ does /time day.

Added /item enchant which is a staff only command that gives whatever item you have selected maximum possible enchantments.

Added generateStructure option to world properties

Fixed the spawnMagmaCube and spawnBlaze options in world properties and added a spawnOcelot option in anticipation of 1.2.

Modified it so the slime death message says tiny for the size 1 slimes (that normally cant hurt you) and big for any slimes size 3 or greater.

Made it so all S16 effects can take the y value argument.

Fixed issue with guests being able to use buckets at the wrong times (not that they could normally get buckets anyway)

Made it so alchemy wont convert blocks which are already that block type (should greatly reduce the amount of block updates sent if you do something like /alchemy all 0 50)

Made /mobs whee slightly vary the height so that they don’t all die at once (should slightly reduce glitched dead bodies)

Added staff command /hide [player] which will toggle whether or not somebody can see you. You will stop being hidden if the server is restarted. While hidden your character will be invisible and the player will be unable to use /dist on you. You can check your hidden status via ‘/hide [player] check’

Improved the handling of baby mobs in the mob commands (will no longer accept babybabywolf for example)

Added the ability to spawn baby mobs to /ridemob

Added slimeDark option to world properties, defaults to off if not set. If on, will stop slimes from spawning in bright areas. Will default to on in newly generated flat world properties because it’s a bit ridiculous =p

Made sure spawnmob only counts living entities in its nearby mobs check.

Made /mobs vanish not affect villagers (use /mobs vanishnpc instead) also made various /mobs commands not select villagers, so if you really want to get rid of them use vanishnpc. This is because npcs are gaining features and I don’t want anyone to accidently empty a village.

Added a work around for the bukkit portal glitch (the non default worlds have malfunctioning portals). All portals in these worlds will lead to the nether (so no visiting the end), but better than no portals at all right?

Raised clay kit size from 3 to 4 since clay is common in oceans now

Made it so staff can see who kicked them.

Renamed /level to /flat to avoid confusion with /lvl

Made various commands watch list aware, reducing the amount of duplicate messages that people in the watch list receive (like “You sent ___ to the spawnâ€? and “___ sent ____ to the spawn.â€?)

Made the murdered by death message more specific about the method of murder.

Added a mobDeathMessage world option, when on it will display a death message whenever a player kills a mob in that world. The message will only appear to players in that worlds category/itemset.

Added damage value to the /item command, replaces the data value (without breaking anything)

Added [refuel] sign for powered minecarts

Added a difficulty property to the world properties files with the choices peaceful, easy, normal and hard. If not set or left blank, it will default to whatever your server main difficulty is (from the file)

Fixed an issue with certain non-english versions of java.


I haven't been announcing it here, but Pokemon Twilight has been getting monthly updates for a while now. The game still ends at the same spot as v5, but I've fixed various glitches, added a few tiny new areas and added some important new features like various hold items, evolution stones, etc. The mystery gift is also being updated every wednesday night now.

You can download it from

Now that 5.013 is out I'm starting work on the next major version of PT, which will add one or two new gyms and probably take a good portion of the year to complete =p


Moikle 13 years ago


JID 13 years ago

I just noticed that I haven't played Minecraft in like a month or so now.