I Still Visit 64d

Posted by KaBob799 on Feb. 20, 2012, 2:21 a.m.

Yeah, I haven't been blogging actively for a long time and I really need to change that. Also it's my birthday on Wednesday so everyone should buy me some cheese, or give me sponge in minecraft or something =p

I've been pretty busy with RuneScape, Minecraft, CheeseMod, Pokemon Twilight and other random stuff, I just never seem to have enough interesting stuff to make a blog about, just a lot of boring stuff that would only get 2 comments =p I also kinda wanted to get my PycoBlogs code working so I could post blogs there and get ad profits, even if they would just be 1 cent a day =p

So for CheeseMod I'm working on a new permissions and properties system. It will move permissions out of the world properties system and eventually make the permissions much more customizable. The end result will eventually be more available user groups and a less confusing user group system (just set group instead of add/remove, except for bonus groups like watch). For the world properties system I coded an ini file saving system, so it wont be a randomized unorganized jumble of properties anymore.


I finally got around to beating Portal 2 yesterday, the ending was pretty decent and somehow I managed to miss any real spoilers over all these months. Still working on a couple of the missable achievements and co-op though.

I also beat all the maps I have on Defense Grid, I still need to buy the you monster dlc but other than that I got all the achievements I could. I've never bought microsoft points but I get a couple hundred a month from bing rewards so I'm slowly buying the cheaper games and dlc that catch my eye. I'm also trying to make some good progress on actually beating games, might go after Skyward Sword next because I'm only in that time travel temple so far and it was pretty fun.

I'm also really wanting to buy more 3DS games, so far I've only got 3 and I want to support game developers rather than buying used years after they stopped shipping the game. But as usual I don't really have any money so I'll be lucky to get one of the $20 games =p

Game Design

I've been mostly focused on PT for the past 5 months but I'm starting to get in the mood for one of my older projects. It's going to be hard to choose which one to work on, maybe GameGame which I haven't officially "stopped" working on anyway.


KaBob799 13 years ago

And this is why I stopped blogging here =/

JuurianChi 13 years ago

We still love ya, d00d.

CyEdit: JID also thinks this and he wants the whole world to know it!

colseed 13 years ago

ohai kabob

I finally got around to beating Portal 2 yesterday, the ending was pretty decent and somehow I managed to miss any real spoilers over all these months.
There should be an achievement for this.

Ferret 13 years ago

I really liked portal 2. After I beat the and went to bed, I had a dream I lived with Glados. She was probably my favorite character and I was really sad to leave her :(

What 3DS games to do you have so far?

KaBob799 13 years ago

I have Mario Land, Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars and Harvest Moon. Hopefully I'll get something like Zelda or Mario Kart for my birthday. I'll probably buy Resident Evil (if I can find a box with the typo on it for collection reasons) or Nano Assault next.

Acid 13 years ago

Hey, I'm working on beating Portal 2 right now too! :D

Ferret 13 years ago

I'd be so happy if I found that typo version, but I doubt finding it floating around would be easy.

KaBob799 13 years ago

Well every single copy sent out in the beginning had it, I'm hoping it will be easy enough to find for at least a few weeks.

Alert Games 13 years ago

I beat portal 1 straight through in 4 hours. portal 2 took 2 days, 4 hours each day.

Also, Bing rewards sounds interesting….. I think ill try that to gain some points, might as well. Im not gonna buy points myself.

JID 13 years ago

I thought I was the only one who used Bing rewards.

I've gotten well over 5000 MSP from it so far. lol