Posted by KaBob799 on Feb. 23, 2012, 2:04 p.m.

So I turned 22 on 2/22/2012… thats a lot of 2s =o I got a 320gb hard drive for my 360 (previously only had 4gb flash memory) and Forza 3 ultimate edition as well as $40 and an unspecified future gift which will probably be a game.

So pretty good, I'd really been needing that hard drive and was going to have to buy one myself if I didn't get it soon =p It came with a free copy of lego star wars III, but I didn't really like the lego harry potter I played so I'm not in a huge rush to try it out. The only dissapointment is no 3ds games, so I'll have to buy those myself =p

Opinions Needed

I've decided to work on something called Dovoh Island, it's identity is a secret but does the name sound decent? I kinda tried to make it sound like a pokemon region name (doe-voe, kinda like johto =p) without using anything that was already taken. Dovah would sound better, but yeah…


Toast 13 years ago

you should have posted this at 22:22

missed opportunity

Quietus 13 years ago

Dovoh Island sounds awesome :o

Rez 13 years ago


leemcd56 13 years ago

Happy [belated] birthday!

Castypher 13 years ago


Iasper 13 years ago


JuurianChi 13 years ago

Happy birthday.

Nice blog.

KaBob799 13 years ago

I still haven't played skyrim =[

Acid 13 years ago

Happy birfday buddy boy

LAR Games 13 years ago

Gasp! No Skyrim? And it was your birthday? And you got a lego game instead? NOOOOO!