CheeseMod 1.2.0_1

Posted by KaBob799 on March 5, 2012, 2:49 p.m.

Bukkit is being slow as usual to bring in the new API features so I've decided to release a beta build of CheeseMod 1.2 while I wait for things like biome editing (if that is possible like they said) and baby villagers. As usual, you can find the latest downloads at I've also decided I will start keeping previous versions of cheesemod online for a short period of time for people who don't update until bukkit is stable.

1.2.0_1 Changelog:

Added monsterSpawnRate and animalSpawnRate settings to the world properties. It’s the tick (1/20 of a second) delay between attempts to spawn them. Default is 1 for monsters and 400 for animals, cannot go lower than 1 which is the fastest possible rate.

Made it so setting a delayed stop will cancel any previously set delayed stop, the server will also log when a shutdown is cancelled due to /reload. You can also do /stop cancel to cancel a scheduled shutdown.

Made it so sheep can eat long grass but not destroy it.

Added endermanBlocks world properties which lets you list blocks that enderman can’t pick up. List format is same as bannedBlocks (id numbers separated by comma)

Made it so you can send PMs to the server console via /pm server

Made it so veterans can use /block tree, /block place, /block dist, /block tp and /block helm. Block helm and place have the same limitations as /item, and they cannot give other players helms.

Added /block place2 which ignores water and lava.

Hopefully fixed all pieces of code that assumed a world height of 128 and hopefully didn’t mess up anything in the 127 vs. 128 confusion =p

Added the snowHeat property to worlds. If true,having glowstone or stationary lava directly under a block will prevent snow from forming above it. Defaults to on.

Increased the max settable range of alchemy to 150 and made it so you can add a separate y range. For example, /alchemy all 0 5-2 would make a box 10 x/z wide and 4 tall.

Made it so you can spawn boats, minecarts, arrows, eggs, snowballs, enderpearls, eye of ender, xp, endercrystals and livetnt with spawnmob and ridemob. Be careful with endercrystals, they explode.

Ridemob now limits the amount of mobs spawned to half of the lowest spawnmob limit of the 2 mobs (rounded up).

Made it so you can add an entity name after the range on /mobs vanish, removed the boatvanish and vanishnpc commands since you can just use this now. You can vanish any entity available with /spawnmob, so all mobs, boats, minecarts, livetnt, arrows, endercrystals, etc. Will not distinguish between special cases like bald sheep, mega creeper, etc. /mobs vanish will also tell you what you vanished and how many.

Renamed /mobs standdog and sitdog to standpet and sitpet.

Fixed up the world properties files so that they aren’t an unorganized mess. It should auto convert older files into the new format.

Fixed support for multiworld ends now that bukkit properly supports it.

Readded tamecreeper as a spawnable entity. They are like normal creepers but they never attack people and they don’t drop anything. Unlike the previous ones, these creepers have normal health. Warning: they will become normal creepers while cheesemod is not running.

Added /spawnat which is spawnmob but spawns them on whatever block your mouse is pointed at. The spawnmob log also records the spawn location now for both spawnmob and spawnat.

Added various support code for things related to the 1.2 updates (mobs, blocks, etc)

Added the guestMode option to, if set to off guests will not be able to log in at all.

Renamed /block tree to /block grow and added redmushroom and brownmushroom as options, as well as jungletree (all tree names have to end in tree now, so bigtree, pinetree, etc)

Added /mobs immortal and /mobs mortal which will stop/start mobs from aging (for mobs that can age)

Right clicking any entity with a saddle will let you ride it, pigs will still take the saddle but other entities will not.

Outside of CheeseMod, I found a used copy of Resident Evil: Revelaitons so I bought it =]


JID 13 years ago

Cool stuff. :D

leemcd56 13 years ago

Needs use now

KaBob799 13 years ago


Castypher 13 years ago


KaBob799 13 years ago

Bolded to emphasize the typo

HabenKenis 13 years ago

Quite useful in my work.

miami website designers

KaBob799 13 years ago

Ohno! I've been spammed! Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee