The 64digits server has been kinda dead lately, my server is 9 times out of 10 more active and I very rarely see more than 3 people on 64d and usually its 2 or less. So whats the deal? Are you all playing on other servers? Did everyone someone stop being addicted? Are you incapable of finding 50 free hours a week to waste of a pointless game? Explain yourselves >:(
So now that thats over, I've been doing a ton of work on CheeseMod lately fixing up a ton of stuff but I'm always looking for improvements to be made. Specifically, stuff thats a lot easier than rewriting major systems. So if you guys have any suggestions for improvements/features or have any bugs you've not told me about please post them here so I can distract myself from the big boring important features. Right now I'm working on the permissions system and the replacement for the alchemy command and its tiresome =p
I'm asking for things to program in my server mod, not client mods to add to the server. Btw I'll look into the fire thing, I keep forgetting about it.
I was thinking about that actually, what I could probably do is every player has a user name and a display name. So I should be able to let you define both. I don't think I'll be recreating Citizens anytime soon, but the official api might make that easier.
Yeah honestly I don't why all these programmers can do awesomely complex stuff but they can't get the basic things right.
Well I'm hoping the official API will have clientside features.
I stopped playing because whenever I do play, the few people that are on are always doing something far away.
I don't get it.
I've actually been out of the Minecraft groove for many months now up until about a week ago when I picked up an ancient project of mine and started to dump some time into it.
However, it's a really big project and singleplayer. Once I end up finishing it, or, well, abandoning it again, I would certainly like to start fucking around on multiplayer again. Whenever that day comes, I don't know, but yeah. I'll eventually find myself on the 64D Minecraft sooner or later.If you don't get the greatest sitcom of all time, nobody can help you.
I have final deadlines and such approaching
I haven't been on in ages. Someday I'll come back to finish china. Someday.