Rambling about the good old days

Posted by KaBob799 on May 13, 2006, 9:55 p.m.

Well anyway I just wrote up soemthing that happened to me one or 2 years ago and I thought I would share it with you guys. here it goes….

The wal-mart behind my house had a huge 2 story stack of greasy cardboard boxes behind the store waiting to be hauled away when some stupid kid set them on fire and instantly there was a 2 story bon fire behind wal-mart. I was lookingfor something at the time when I hear popping noises form outside and look outside and see a huge fire and I'm like 'holy crap!" wal-marts on fire, and my dad who is standing next to me looks out the window panics and runs to a phoen to call 911. Meanwhile I spread the word to the rest of my family and apparently the fire department contacted wal-mart because the manager comes casually strolling outside and heads to the back of the store to see whats happening. The second he turned the corner was the most hilarious thing I ever saw. He backs up for a second looking suprised at the size of the fire andthen runs back to the front of the store. Then 3 cars come around to the back of wal-mart for some reason and they just stop when they see the fire and turn around. Then my doorbell rings and its my friend so i tell him wal-marts on fire and he doesnt believe me so I take him out to my backyard and we watch the fire from the fence. Soon my whole family and my friends mom are outside watching the fire along with most my neighbors. So then the fire trucks finally arrived 1 by 1 and started trying to put out the fire, but it wont go out because the boxes are really greasy and stuff. So this all happened around 3pm, they finally got hte fire all the way out around 7:30 PM, the only damage to wal-mart was scorched bricks. And they had a huge pile of burnt cardboard behind the store for a few weeks. From then on they have never stacked cardboard boxes again.

Oh and my last blog got no replies 0.0 and the one before that only got 1

EDIT: awsome! golden friend badge!

Thank you everyone who has been gracious enough to count me as one of your friends.

EDIT: and the real question, how do you get rank 1337 <a href="http://www.64digits.com/images/ranks/rank1337.gif">http://www.64digits.com/images/ranks/rank1337.gif</a>


DesertFox 18 years, 9 months ago

Interesting story,

melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago

Hehe, that's funny.

KaBob799 18 years, 9 months ago

I forgot to mention, The whole 5 hours this is happening they never told anyone in the store about it. it owuld have sucked if the fire had suddenly come through the wall next to an unsuspecting customer =P

Tasm 18 years, 9 months ago

that stupid kid that set them on fire was me XD