I am starting work on a new website to be sponsoreb by my company, the site (called game Plan" will be a giant archive of submitted game ideas that anyone can use. I am currently learning mysql (its evil!) to try to program the idea database.
You can see how the site development is going at <a href="http://game.tz-c.com">The site</a> but dont try to do anything on it,as I am still programming/designing most of it.Also if anyone is good with mysql i would appreciate some help.Oh and if anyone could look at the form on the submissions page and tell me why its not sending the info that would be very appreicated.
Err, that link leads to a 404. I suggest fixing it. =P
oops forgot the http
I can sort of help with MySQL. I am learning it to [:)]
I dunno much about this whole web dev thing, but I'll help you out as well as I can. =)