CheeseMod 1.2.5_2 Changelog

Posted by KaBob799 on May 8, 2012, 12:44 a.m.

Well it took a week longer than expected due to various delays but CheeseMod 1.2.5_2 is now publicly released. This update contains a ton of awesome changes, though I spent most of the past few weeks focused on the new /shape command.

Download CheeseMod 1.2.5_2

The /shape command is my "WorldEdit killer" Basically, I really don't like WorldEdit for a variety of reasons so I am going to do my best to either replicate or improve upon their most used features. In this update, I've included the various shape related commands in a huge rewrite of the /alchemy command. Not only does this give you a variety of non-square shapes, but it improves a ton of other things from the old /alchemy command and it lets you undo/redo your commands. Although the CheeseMod website is still woefully out of date, you can get a full guide on /shape here: In my next update I'll be adding the various copy/paste related features that everybody loves in WorldEdit.

The user permissions and stuff in this update are less than ideal, but this is because I'm planning on a large permissions update for the next version. For now, this will allow mods to use some of the /shape commands and veterans get access to /shape ext. The biggest annoyance is the max range, which is all calculated off the old alchemyMax property from This will all be improved soon =D

And it wouldn't be a Changelog without a ridiculously long changelog:

Added the rest of the selection options from /alchemy into /shape, such as structure and water.

Added a shape undo/history system which allows you to revert recently used /shape commands

Added a new “id listâ€? feature to the shape commands, by separating id numbers with a , you can have it randomly select an id. Example: /shape cube all 19,5 5 would create a radius 5 cube that is roughly 50% 19 and 50% 5. You can also put rainbow in the to spot to choose all wool colors. For the from argument, you can use an id list to select multiple block ids.

Added chunk, cube, sphere, cylinder, line, path, and rectangle to /shape

Added break points to /shape cube/rectangle so that while they might lag the server, they will not completely freeze it. This does make the commands take slightly longer than they would have before.

Made it so you can’t tp to dead players

Added ocelot and iron golem to the /block spawn command.

Added the cheese prefix for mob spawning, is kinda like giving the mob a sponge helm.

Made it so nether portal blocks with a data value of 1 are permanent (you can remove the obsidian)

Added /check id [itemname] which will tell you the Id number (and data value if relevant) of whatever item you enter. If no id is selected it will check the item in your hand.

Added junglebush, smalljungletree and swamptree to /block grow and made it so it doesn’t default to tree if an improper name is given.

Made so tnt spawned with spawning commands can be given a countdown timer, to do this add the amount of seconds before the name: example: /spawnmob 20tnt would wait 20 seconds to explode. Limited to 60000 seconds for sanity reasons. You can also do firetnt so that it causes fire like a ghast explosive. Please note that tnt will turn invisible after a short amount of time but it will still be there until it explodes.

Made it so flint/steel , lava and fire charges aren’t logged in worlds where griefLog=false

Added pages to /listwarps, the format is /listwarps [search] [amount] [page]

Made it so hidden warps show up as gray in /listwarps to people who can see them.

Made it so /realm saves if you are currently invulnerable (the game feature that keeps you from taking damage 20 times a second) or on fire.

Added the creeperPower setting to world properties, sets the power of a creepers explosion. 3 is the default, and powered creepers are double the power. I don’t suggest going too high (think of /mobs boomself) with this value unless you want to crash your server.

Tweaked the block logs so that they are more standardized

Added afk player monitoring, if a player doesn’t move or talk for 2 minutes their name will be in italics, also added an auto kick feature if a player is inactive for an hour. The timing can be changed using the afkTime and afkLimit properties in (they are set in seconds)

Added /mobs boost which gives any vehicle you are in a speed boost (must already be moving)

Added a lastVersion setting to so that CheeseMod knows whenever you have upgraded to a new version. If it detects a new version it will update your file to have any missing properties (in case more have been added since it was first generated)

Switched up the mob commands so that you put the size of a slime/magmacube in its name such as 15slime.

Added a variance argument to the spawnmob command so that the mobs don’t all have to spawn in the same spot. For example, /spawnat arrow 50 0.5 would spawn arrows covering the block instead of all in the center of the block, while /spawnmob cow 50 10 would spawn 50 cows within 10 blocks of your location. Maximum variance is 100. Does not randomize the y value.

Added a death message for ender crystal explosions.

Added “You don’t have permission to do thatâ€? messages to a variety of actions.

Added /check colors which gives a list of the bbcode you can use.

Increased the y range (due to new map height) and intelligence of the spawnmobs entity limit.

Made /ridemob log whether or not the mobs were stacked

Made it so /block helm notices data values for things like birchlog

Fixed a few minor issues with chat groups and the /c command

Standardized the /jump log messages

Added zombie door sounds to the sound effect redstone sign.

Made it so dirt with a data value of 1 never becomes grass and vice versa.

Add staff only /chat view all and /chat view default, if set to all you will be able to see local chats such as world and category no matter where you are.

Made it so server console commands can start with a / to avoid confusion

Made it so the server console can use /me

Made staff chat show a golden + next to the name both for visibility in logs and to prevent confusion with people changing text color

Added /chat beep which enables/disables a sound effect when chat is received. You can also add a number 1-3 after beep (ex: /chat beep 2) to select different sounds. Please note that the current sound selection is temporary, we hope to provide note block sounds in a later version.

Made /mobs tame show hearts and added /mobs untame which can be used by anyone

Added /mobs ow which simulates a mob getting damaged (without doing any damage)

Increased the range limit for /mobs to 75 for admins and 60 for everyone else

Fixed up flying related code so that it doesn’t randomly get disabled for creative people and so that when non-creative people disable it, they can take fall damage.

Made the bedrock placement log no longer show up if it is staff placing it (it still gets logged in the text file)

Made it so bedrock helm doesn’t instabreak interactive blocks like wooden doors and levers and won’t allow non-staff to break bedrock.

Made the CheeseMod whitelist and groups be case insensitive. Also unwhitelisting someone will remove them from all groups and adding someone to a group will whitelist them if they weren’t already.

Made it so creepers don’t destroy blocks if they explode within spawn protection (please note they can explode at the edge and damage blocks within the protection)

Changed /r code so that it is remembered whenever the server is /reloaded (but not restarted)

Added powered netherrack, by applying/removing power to a netherrack block (or the block below it) you can make it catch on fire and off again. Disabled by default because it’s undetectable for fire logs, powerNetherrack=on/off in

Added /check power which tells you power information about the block you are looking at.

Made it so /time says it worked when used from the console (since you can’t see it happen)

Made it so if you log out while riding a minecart or boat it will remove the vehicle. When you log back in, the vehicle will reappear at the same location and speed with you in it.

Added /tp [name] match which will match your momentum to the targets momentum (useful if they are falling long distances and you want to stay close) Also just for fun made unriding with /ride and riding a mob with /ridemob match velocity so that you can do stuff while skydiving and not slow down.

Added the warps location to the /setwarp log and if you are replacing a warp it will also say the previous location

Removed the /convert command because /shape does it better. /alchemy is now just a different name for /shape.

Added a basic /help command for the console and made it so player /help checks if /kit is available before listing it.

Increased the limit for /jump y to 250

Limited /item amounts to 36x the items max stack size or 1152 if its higher.

Added snowGolemSnow option to On by default. If off, snowmen won’t leave snow on the ground. Useful for non-survival worlds where the snow is more annoying than helpful. Also allows normal players to spawn more than 1 snow golem at a time if off.

Added some basic fall safety to /spawn and /home (so that you don’t die from using it while falling)

Fixed an issue with redstone signs that showed up in 1.2.3

Made it so that sending someone to spawn via /spawn makes them unride any player/animal they might be riding.

Made it so /r does not record /help or /who

Increased /biome range limit to 40

Added /tp 1 [groupname] which will limit anybody lower than that group from tping to you. If you leave off the group name, it will work as it did before (the equivalent of /tp 1 mod) Non staff will not be able to block staff groups. Also made it so tp privacy is more of a general location privacy setting, so it will prevent the same people from using /dist or /check look to locate you.

Added /r lock which will prevent your /r command from changing. Just do /r lock again to unlock.

Added decimal support to /jump x/y/z distance, it will not show logs in the console/watch group for distances less than 1 (when used by veteran+) but it will still log in the log file.


KaBob799 12 years, 10 months ago

Oh also, due to changes in minecrafts code it might be possible to do a single player CheeseMod within the next few versions =o So any idea you guys might have for that would be cool, things such as disabling the login user name list.