A break from game programming

Posted by KaBob799 on June 14, 2012, 7 p.m.

For the first time in probably 12 months I've been taking a small break from CheeseMod (it was rare for me to go 24 hours without working on it) as well as game maker and instead I've been working on PycoForums. I added a topic watchlist feature, but primarily I've been working on the shoutbox. I'll probably go back to CheeseMod this weekend, but until then I'm making some great progress.

As far as games go, I've been trying to buy Pikmin 2 Wii (came out on sunday, $20 new) but for some reason the closest gamestop that has it is 15 miles away and the target I checked on monday didn't have it (the guy I asked didn't even know what pikmin was) so I dunno whats going on there. If the gamestops near me don't have it by next monday I'll have to try harder to get it.

It sucks cause Pikmin 3 got me in the mood to play it, but instead I've been playing Skyward Sword. Previously I was only up to the desert/mine/whatever temple but now I'm all the way up to the sand ship. I'll probably beat the game soon.

My biggest complaint about the game so far is that flying is meh, I know people complained about the boat in wind waker but I actually enjoyed the boat. At least with the boat you could eventually teleport to islands and you could also afk and go in a straight line. Aside from that, the game overworld feels a bit cramped. Theres no huge open world feeling like you got from the previous console zeldas.

On a side not, Nintendo has said it's trying to decide between remaking Link to the Past or Majora's Mask either for 3DS or Wii U. To me it sounds like they mean a true remake, not just porting MM over to 3DS. I think MM with Wii U graphics would be insane, hopefully they choose that.

Anyway, this last part of my blog is going to be boringer than usual but I needed some place to list out all of the features on my pyco shoutbox so I can plan new ones.

Works on most browsers that supports javascript, though it might look a bit odd on really old browsers.

Individual messages can be deleted and admins can clear the entire shoutbox of messages

Users can be kicked or banned (with time limit), can be disabled for users above a certain warn level. Will tell the user how much longer the ban lasts.

2 display modes, easy to read mode and compact mode

"Light mode" for cell phones

Ability to view images and youtube videos, as well as spoiler tags in an extra content box. This keeps users from spamming the shoutbox itself with giant images.

Can send private messages to people

Can be resized (a button lets you define the width/height, plus you can resize it vertically with your mouse in browsers that support the css resize property.

Message limit is customizable, so you don't start lagging from thousands of messages

Chatting list with afk time

Message backup database, so you can see older messages

Optional chatbot built in

Available in English, Dutch and Portuguese

Has a new message beep noise, it can be turned off.

Changes title of page when the tab is inactive and a message is recieved

Supports windows pinned sites (if you pin it, it will also add a * to the icon when theres a new message)

Users can define a default chat color

Lists amount of messages

Has bbcode buttons for the basic stuff (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, link, image and the basic emoticons)

Automatically scrolls to new messages if you are at the bottom, but if you scroll up it will stop autoscrolling until you scroll back down.

Anonymous mode (listed as "anonymous user" in the active list)


Snakeman 12 years, 8 months ago

At least with the boat you could eventually teleport to islands and you could also afk and go in a straight line.

You played Wind Waker with a keyboard?

KaBob799 12 years, 8 months ago

Away from king (of red lions)

Snakeman 12 years, 8 months ago

Away from king (of red lions)

But if you're travelling in a straight line across the ocean and away from the King of Red Lions, you'll drown eventually! D:

KaBob799 12 years, 8 months ago