No Summer Break

Posted by KaBob799 on July 12, 2012, 3:57 p.m.

It kinda sucks, this is my last summer break before I finish college and I'm spending the entire break taking classes <_< I finished Spanish 1 on monday and started Spanish 2 on tuesday and then when I finish Spanish 2 I'll be busy with other stuff right up until the fall semester starts.

I'm actually finding spanish easier to learn than German, but I don't think its necessarily because spanish is easier. I have a much bigger history with spanish, in 4th grade we were taught some of the basics like numbers and colors and then in 8th and 9th grade I took spanish as my highschool language.

I don't really remember too much from, but language stuff that you learn at a young age sticks with you much better than in college and I'm finding a lot of random words are familiar and easier to remember now. It also helps that the class is so rushed, since I don't study much it gives me less time to forget stuff between classes.

CheeseMod & Minecraft

I've been having a really annoying minecraft crashing glitch for the past few weeks. It hasn't been too bad since I've been busy with classes/pyco/videogames but I do need to make some major updates before 1.3 comes out. I'm hoping the glitch will stop in 1.3, it doesn't happen in any other game including other java games so its probably just some weird quirk.

Regardless I've still been making progress here and there on CheeseMod so that the 1.3 update will be nice and big. I've also been working on more info for the CheeseMod website, but since it references a lot of stuff newer than the public version I'm not going to publish the pages quite yet.


Probably not going to have a submission ready, I wasn't really considering my summer classes when the contest started.


If any of you own a 3DS, Nintendo has been doing weekend sales on eShop games this month and this weekend it is Mighty Switch Force for $3.


firestormx 12 years, 7 months ago

Aw, that feeling of knowing it's your last summer break must suck.

Edit: That's not meant to sound condescending. It should sound empathetic. =P

LAR Games 12 years, 7 months ago

I've had sort of a 3 year summer break. It's not as pleasant as my 3rd grade self imagined.

KaBob799 12 years, 7 months ago

I usually make pretty good use of my free time so it sucks when I don't have much of it, if I had the time and money I could spend hours daily working on CheeseMod alone. But now CheeseMod has had to drop in priority since I doubt I'll be getting any donation or ad money from it anytime soon.

Alert Games 12 years, 7 months ago

Yeah I work 40 hours a week, taking an online class and trying to get people to help with my site by paying them to do it lol. Lots to do before the school year