CheeseMod 1.2.5_3 Changelog

Posted by KaBob799 on July 28, 2012, 3:30 a.m.

Bukkit surprised me with a new recommended build tonight so I decided to rush out a CheeseMod update because 1.2.5_2 wont work anymore. This update does not include the new permissions system or any of the other features I am planning to release after 1.3 comes out. With any luck this version will still work in 1.3 so that I don't have to rush an update out the very minute bukkit is ready.

Teh Changelog

Added a selection shape to the /shape commands, allows you to select 2 corners of a rectangle and then modify the blocks between them.

Added copy/cut to all /shape shapes as a “toâ€? argument, as well as /shape paste.

Added exclusion id and exclusion lists for the from argument in /shape, same format as a normal list but you put a ! in front. Example: !50 would select everything except torches, !stone,grass,dirt would select everything except stone, grass and dirt.

Added support for Jeremys SkyLands bukkit mod (although Jeremy has dropped support, so this may get removed)

Added a void worldType to Will generate a world of the chosen environment with no blocks in it at all.

Added a per world whitelist option, enabled by setting whitelist in to edit or visit. To add or remove somebody from a world whitelist, do /group add/remove [playername] wordlist [worldname]. This is a bit glitchy right now, so probably don’t use it =p

Added dye names for use with commands like /item

Made it so right clicking with a watch/compass will be the same as doing /check time/dir (doesn't always work for some reason)

Added playerListLimit property to which affects the list of players sent whenever you log in. If the amount of players online is greater than #+1 it will only show # players and then “and ___ moreâ€? Defaults to 20.

Disabled creeper logging in worlds with griefLog disabled

Increased the max range of a minecart jump sign to 250.

Updated /check chunk to include the name of the region file it is contained in.

Added /check dist [player] which works the same as /dist.

Added ability to craft sandstone into 4 sand blocks.

Switched /shape pyramid from admin+ to mod+ and added break points to it

Added extraFall property to Defines how many extra blocks you can fall without taking damage, defaults to 1.

Added autoSave option to, defaults to true. Similar to the /save-off and /save-on commands but sets it per world when the world is loaded. If /save-off or /save-on is used after the world is loaded, it will override the setting.

Added a skip block feature to the /shape commands. Place # in a list and when it selects # it will skip the block instead of changing it. Example /shape cube all #,0 would set 50% of the blocks to 0 and ignore the other 50%. /shape cube 1 #,#,#,#,#,#,#,#,coalblock could be used to set 10% of stone to coal.

Renamed /check spawn to /check spawner and /check spawnloc to /check spawn

Added a new direction system and updated /jump to accept multiple directions at once. More info:

Added temperature and humidity info to /biome check

Added /biome freeze [range] which will add snow/ice where it would appear naturally. You can also do freeze2 to make it place snow regardless of biome.

CheeseMod no longer filters color out of the log messages (you will have to disable log file colors via bukkit if you don’t want the color codes in your log)

Moved the home_worldname.txt files into the individual world folders and renamed it to homes.txt This way it will be backed up with your world and renaming the world won’t break the homes

Removed the /removewarp failure log but added the warps location to the removewarp success log

Removed the spreadChance property from worlds.

Made it so sheep have a 50% chance of healing half a heart whenever they eat grass.

Added afk status to the stats output.

Updated chatbot code to include a message type variable, allowing chatbots to use /me. Also added a chatInUrl setting to which is used to send chat messages into the game from elsewhere. These features will be explained later on.

Added snowSpread option to, when off it will prevent snow from forming naturally (note: snow will still appear in newly generated chunks and you will need to disable snowGolemSnow separately, this only affects snow falling from the sky)

Added a java version check which will run whenever you update cheesemod, will output a warning if you are using Java 6. CheeseMod will still run fine on Java 6, but it’s important to keep java up to date.

Made it so biome changes will show up immediately with the /biome command

Added /time freeze [/world] and /time add [seconds] [/world] (note: the world property is only available via the server console for the time being)

Made painting placement adhere to spawn protection and editGroup property

Removed the bannedBlocks world property and replaced it with canPlace, cantPlace, canBreak and cantBreak . If you use canPlace, cantPlace will be disabled. If you use canBreak, cantBreak will be disabled. This is because it’s impossible to have both can and cant lists active at once (note: you can however have any combination of break and place lists)


KaBob799 12 years, 7 months ago

This version appears to work in 1.3 bukkit with only a few very specific exceptions, so everyone should be fine. Nevertheless, I've got 1.3.1_1 pretty much done. I'm just waiting on a specific bukkit pull request before I release it. It'll be fairly short changelog, but its some fun stuff =p