New Video, Game Collection

Posted by KaBob799 on Aug. 4, 2012, 10:11 p.m.

Minecraft 1.3 made some interesting changes to how mob riding code works so I decided to make a cheesemod video showing that and some other things =D

So CheeseMod 1.3 is still waiting on some bukkit updates for release, but to be honest 1.3 bukkit is a glitchfest right now so I wouldn't recommend using it yet. However, as I hoped my minecraft crashing bug is fixed and the ability to play minecraft again has been inspiring some great new cheesemod ideas =D

Game Collection

Anybody remember my game collection blog? I'm thinking about finally compiling some of the incomplete lists so that I can get a better idea of how many games I actually own. The list currently has 487 games on it =p


JuurianChi 12 years, 7 months ago


As in Physical games that you bought for full price and most likely on launch week/month?

That's nutters, in a good way.

death 12 years, 7 months ago

damn you got more than me. i have around 250 xD

i used to have MUCH more but many got stolen =\

EDIT: i don't like modding. i don't see what's so great about 50 mobs stacked ontop of one another. 99% of mods are useless gimmicks. I'd rather just play Survival than mess around with that. Though i do understand the sandbox gameplay that some people enjoy. it's just not why i played MC.

Toast 12 years, 7 months ago

For me personally, collecting stuff is a really unhealthy habit. I'm trying to use Steam, Netflix and Spotify (and cough torrents) exclusively and getting rid of all my physical media.

But it's hard. I don't want to say goodbye to my CDs or my PS1/PS2 games.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 7 months ago

Those Spiderboat Krakens were the coolest things I've ever seen.

Well done.

JuurianChi 12 years, 7 months ago

But it's hard. I don't want to say goodbye to my CDs or my PS1/PS2 games.

KaBob799 12 years, 7 months ago

Well that 487 number is including my digital games as well, but I imagine I still have around 500 physical games if you count the lists I haven't compiled yet. But no, they were not full price.

I'd say maybe 80-90% of them were bought used and a lot of the time at a really good price years after they came out =p I generally don't buy games right when they came out because it costs too much and I'd rather get 3+ older games than one newer game. I do only buy discs that come with the original case/art though, no point in just collecting the discs.

Rob 12 years, 7 months ago

Quote: Kabob
Well that 487 number is including my digital games as well


Quote: steam

Quietus 12 years, 7 months ago

i have like.. ten games for Gamecube, ten games for PS2, and that's it lol. everything else is old stuff in a box somewhere, that i could just play on a ROM, or the Sonic Collections. (Gems has Vectorman <333)

i'm totally going to try and get my PS1 collection back the way it was, i don't see why anyone would get rid of those games. so much nostalgia and they're so hard to find. >_<

firestormx 12 years, 7 months ago

I only have 219 games on steam (maybe 2 or 3 of them are free to play games, and 1 of them is a demo).

What's the roughly average price you paid for all those, Rob?

Collecting the physical stuff was kind of a big thing for me, but I can't do it anymore. Like Toast, it gets unhealthy for me.

I joked that reading the manual/booklet was half the fun (I have brothers, and when we would get a PS1 game, you could only play two at a time, so I always opted to sit out the first match, so I could read the manual first), and I do miss that, but after I read it once, it just takes up so much space.

Rob 12 years, 7 months ago

What's the roughly average price you paid for all those, Rob?

Oh, they're not mine. They're my friend's. I've got 186 according to steam on my profile, and I've paid <$500 in total. Of course that counts random DLC stuff too, I've only really got 129 actual games. I've only bought a dozen max games outside of sales.

Edit: $386.99 is the total I've spent on steam.