CheeseMod 1.3.1_1 Changelog

Posted by KaBob799 on Aug. 19, 2012, 11:27 a.m.

I tried waiting as long as I could, but Bukkit is really dragging their feet on the new 1.3 related APIs. So heres a tiny little 1.3 CheeseMod update. I'll do another update as soon as the ender chest api comes out, but until then you can do cantPlace=130 in each worlds property file to prevent item smuggling.

As usual, you can download it from

The Changelog

Added the new 1.3 item names for use in /item and other commands

Added adventure mode to /mode (use 2 or adventure to select it) Does not affect previous functionality (/mode with no arguments will still swap solely between creative and survival)

Added a creeperDamage=on/off mob property for worlds. If off, creepers will explode but they will not destroy blocks (it will still hurt entities though).

Added /time check and /time check [world] as well as /time [day/night/midnight/0-2400] [world] and /time add [amount] [world] and /time freeze [world] so that you can alter time for any world without having to switch.

Gave admins the ability to create enderdragon, ghast, endercrystal and tnt mob spawners using /block spawn [mobname]. Also added the ability to create boat, minecart, arrow, snowball, enderpearl, eyeofender, thrownexpbottle, fireball, smallfireball, and xporb spawners.

Added support for largeBiome worldType.

Added defaultMode property to worlds, defines which gamemode you will be in when you first visit a world. Defaults to survival. Also added forceMode, which when on will force all players in that world to be the default gamemode at all times (meant for survival/adventure worlds mostly) Note: If you update this property while the server is running, anyone currently in the world will not be affected until they log out or switch worlds

Made it so the default villager you spawn is the generic green shirt villager instead of the brown shirted farmer .

Made it so /sethome and /home can work in survival worlds, but instead of teleporting you it will tell you your homes coordinates.

Improved giant drops slightly since cookies arent as valuable anymore

Slightly increased spawn rate of cows in the plains biome (now that leather is required for books, cows need to be more common)

Made it so safe signs can be used to protect mob spawners from explosions


KaBob799 12 years, 6 months ago

Good news, they finally added ender chest support. So I spent like 5 hours working around the lack of book API and heres a fully working beta build of cheesemod (requires bukkit 2344 or later).

Beta CheeseMod Download


Added haxxy save file support for books, as well as proper per-world enderchests.

Added useDat property to If on, it allows players to claim their inventory/xp from a .dat file in the current worlds /players folder. This is so that switching your primary world, or copying in a primary world from a different server will allow players to keep their items. Defaults to off. Note: This will not recover your location from the save file as there is no way to tell which world you were in.

To claim items, just do /item claim in the world containing the dat files.

It is now possible to use /item clear in survival worlds (although I can’t imagine why you would want to =p)

Juju 12 years, 6 months ago

Wish I still could run Minecraft to test this :(

Alert Games 12 years, 6 months ago

Whats a xporb

Nehemek 12 years, 6 months ago

Um those little things that when they touch you they give you experience?

Alert Games 12 years, 6 months ago

oh xp orb lol

KaBob799 12 years, 6 months ago

yeah, cant have spaces in names =p